What is your opinion about this article?

(Lynn Chodur) #1

(Brian) #2


I think it’s foolish to focus on the challenges of meat production without at least having an honest conversation about the massive production of corn, soy and wheat, some of which (corn - ethanol) is being used as fuel for the cars we drive.

That 222.2 pounds of red meat I intend to consume over the next year will mostly come from a neighbor who’s selling me part of a grass fed, grass finished beef cow. I’m supporting what I believe in with my wallet. The 150 dozen or so eggs our family eats this year will mostly come from neighbors (we have several) with chickens that are out running on pasture. I’m supporting what I believe in with my wallet.

So that said, what do I think about this article? Not much.

(Running from stupidity) #3

I think it’s a poorly-written piece of political propaganda that relies on a conveniently-unviewable journal article, which then means I have to take on trust the word of some spotty kid writing for a site called “globalcitizen.” So, maybe not.

(Lynn Chodur) #4

Yes I agree with you. What I don’t like is that the argument for ethical, sustainable meat production is not being brought forward. Feed lots and mass production of meat in the way it is currently done is horrible and cruel to the animals. We need to go back to the small farm system, but the path back there is not clear or even talked about in the media. Hence, the article I posted sends a message to those that dislike current meat farming practices that meat is a bad idea. We need more education.