What if I do not get the 70% daily fat



So I have just started to follow a Keto plan, I have no problem with cutting carbs down to 20 gr per day, no problem with the protein, but my concern is the required amount of fat and what if I don’t take in the recommended 70%…will I still hit ketosis? I am very encouraged with the sharing of personal experiences sharing of the knowledge on this forum…thanks for that!!! CHEERS!


Protein is insulinogenic. The point of being in ketosis with high fat is to get control of insulin rollercoasting up and down with your blood sugar. Fat helps to buffer the effect and keep insulin low and blood sugar level stable.

(Todd Allen) #3

If you sufficiently restrict carbs and protein then for ketosis it doesn’t much matter how much fat you eat. Eat an amount of fat appropriate to your goal for losing, sustaining or gaining weight.


You can still get into ketosis without hitting that specific ratio.

As a podcast I listen to recently said, the ratios are a guide, but don’t actually matter per se. You could be in ketosis with a 100% carbohydrate diet shock.
How, well, if you don’t eat for a day or two, then eat a bunch of broccoli that keeps you at net carbs less than 20 (even a bit more probably), you will have something like 60 % carbs, 35% protein, maybe a bit of fat (not the best example, but you’ll get what I’m saying). You’ll still very likely be in ketosis. Your body will still be looking to supply it’s energy from something, and all it will have is your body fat to help. The fat doesn’t have to come from your immediate diet, it can come from you (which is the goal for many).

That said, the best way to know is to measure. Context makes a difference, and you make a difference, so it’s hard to say.

(chris) #5

From what I hear if you don’t eat enough fat in the beginning you will be hungry or not have a lot of energy. You can do what many here do, have some butter. Make some coffee and add coconut oil or butter to it.

(Marty Kendall) #6

You will be in ketosis if you keep your dietary insulin load low (net carbs and to a lesser extent protein). If you require therapeutic ketosis for the treatment of alzheimer’s, dementia, cancer, epilepsy etc you will want to increase your dietary fat. If you are aiming for weight loss then you may want to keep your dietary fat lower.


(Karen Fricke) #7

In general, forget percentages, 20 grams carbs, approx 1 gram protein for each kg lean body mass (approx 50-75 for female, 75-100 for male) and fat to satiety. If you’re hungry, eat, if you’re not hungry, don’t eat. Don’t worry about getting more fat if you’re not hungry. Keep in mind that some of your calorie needs (part of your total fat burning) is body fat.


Ketosis comes from eliminating carbs. The level of fat is totally for satiety.

When I began eating very low carb, I was having some gastro problems, and the only ‘solution’ was to try to eat very low fat (my doctor said might would heal the mysterious problem that seemed like gall bladder but did not show up on scans). I ate <20g carbs and low, low fat for about 18 months and was in ketosis the entire time.

My gastro problem resolved, and I now eat much higher fat.

(Vivian) #9

What MAY happen is that you will feel hungry. If you can deal with the hunger and not over eat your carb and protein macros, you are ok. If you do get hungry and can’t stand it, absolutely eat some fat. A tablespoon of coconut oil. Or a tablespoon of butter.

The fat macro is not a goal that you have to meet. It is an advised amount to keep you satiated. Remember not to use percentages to determine your macros. Use grams! Keto on!


When I am building i can eat 70% protien and stay in keto. In fact basically just concentrate on protien as i am trying to hit 200 grams. I throw some fat in but its all good fat.

I think that 70% guidline is kind of useless. Maybe if your sedentary. i dont think i ever ate 70% fat.

people spend to much time freaking out about this stuff. If you get too many carbs dont eat and run or walk to keep yourself in. Protien abundance is pretty hard to do accidently.

(G. Andrew Duthie) #11

Good that it works for you. It doesn’t work for a lot of people, for the very good reason that many, if not most, of the people who are keto are trying to rectify insulin resistance or T2D. For those folks, 70% protein would be terrible advice.

There’s a saying around these parts…“show me the science.” @richard has helpfully done so in this thread:

Worth the read, especially for anyone who isn’t a bodybuilder and is considering taking your advice on protein.


No I would not recomend jacking your protien that high if your not tearing yourself up. You will just get fat eating that amount of protien and not using it.You have to use all that protien.

thats how its worked for me anyways… so far. i have pretty much come to the conclusion that there is no specific track you can stay on if your looking for constant results. Seems like your always changing things up wether it be exercise or diet. The human body is just really good at adapting.

(Sheryl Fisher) #13

I, too, have problems meeting my fat Macros… I watch my carbs like a hawk…(I’m ALWAYS less than 20 g of carbohydrates) I only go over my calories and protein s on rare occasions (and when that happens, I either stall for a day or two OR my weight will only go up a few ounces, to a pound at most. I have trouble getting THAT FAT in… although it hasn’t stopped me from losing weight (almost 85 pounds since October 2017)

(Keto Koala 🐨) #14

I keep my carbs way down to like 7 grams at the most but today I had 90grams of protein and 72 grams of fat. So 62% fat, 34% protein and 2% carbs. The app says I should be 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbs. Does that even matter?? I know apps are just a basic guideline. It even says so in tiny writing at the bottom. But I guess my biggest question is, does it matter than I ate more grams of protein than fats? I’m on day 16 today. Wanna lose some weight. I hate veggies and force myself to eat a handful of lettuce a day with dinner (that’s why my carbs are so low). Once I’m used to all this and adapted I’m going carnivore completely.Also I consumed 1045 calories. I’m not trying to eat very little but in the last week I get full very quickly.