What I see everyday. Stroke, Dementia, heart disease

(Kern) #41

Yeah. There is an inherent built-in denial system that mentally wants the status-quo to always be the same. He wants his lifestyle not to be interfered with, and thinks insulin is the answer so he can go on living the way he
wants to.

Actually, a doctor’s diagnosis is really a form of a curse provided by hypnosis effects. Think about this: the patient knows nothing about his body, does not understand food, and the dr says you are diabetic.

The dr is like a god to him. G-d has spoken. (God or g-d…universe, “the force”) whatever suits. The patient’s mind is wide open to receive, and this goes deep, and they think they cannot avoid whatever diagnosis (curse) is put on them.

No, its just that I see people succumb to this, and knuckle under.

I got a doctor mad at me because I refused bypass surgery…wrote up my adventure in Well being journal, Jan Feb 2006…“Bypassing the suggested bypass”. That was Feb12, 2004, discharged from hospital as NOT having a heart attack. 14 years ago. Dr. was furious I would not have a stent or bypass. Went on a vegan diet, got some chelation, so far I’m still here.

I appreciate the ketogenic forum, and those in the WNC keto lifestyle group. I had to surround myself with as many alternative out of the box thinkers as I could to stay healthy.

Keep on keeping on.

(Kern) #42

DIABETICS SHOULD NOT AND CANNOT EAT ICE CREAM. The "doctor’s a fool. How many is he killing with that attitude? The fact is that doctors ARE telling the typ2d that the pill or the insulin will take care of the diabetes. The patients are fools to accept that. The built in denial system is working well with some people.
OH: I use the My Fitness Pal to record what I eat…carbs, sugars, fats, protein.
Keep on keeping on.
“Live well and Prosper”

(Kern) #43

hey, jennyellen
the training for nutritionist/dietitian in the normal channels is guided and controlled by Big Pharma.
If you do that, find something out of the box that is real and to the point.
You would be fighting uphill battles constantly. through regular channels.
just a rant.

(Kate) #44

HI Mark,
I’m 62, so you and I probably had similar eating habits as kids. I have been low carb since 2013 and I flirt with ketosis, but I don’t measure blood ketones. I live in a pretty affluent area in the US, where everyone tries to be health conscious, but the tidal wave of sugar and “vegetable” oils is drowning us.
The two books that started me are Nina Teicholz’s “Big Fat Surprise” and Gary Taubes’ “Why We Get Fat and What to do About It.” Both are very readable, and at least for me, life changing. Look up Dr. Jason Fung on line. He has three books out, but there are lots of YouTubes and other free resources available as well.
Good luck!

(mark) #45

Yes, I was born in 1961 in Queensland Australia. If you’ve never been here? its similar to the States, but with fewer people yet still big. I imagine that the diets would be similar as well.
Thank you for the reading suggestions ill look them up. I’m sick of all the conflicting info I read about whats good and whats not, I think the greeks have the answer.
As Spock would say live long and prosper.

(Leslie) #46

I am so sorry. I am so sorry that the system has failed you and your husband. God, I wish for your relief.
Please know that you are not alone. Please keep coming back here and let us help you. We love you and your husband.

Take a deep breath
Pray, meditate, study and teach your doctors
Keep calm and keto on

(Consensus is Politics) #47

It’s not the ice cream that’s bad for a diabetic. It’s the carbohydrates. I’m a T2D myself, and make my own ice cream, pretty much zero carbs.

I remember not long ago conventional wisdom for diabetics was eating “unhealthy” food was making diabetes worse. I know someone who died back in 2005 because his diabetes destroyed his body. The one hung that bugged me was that he never listened to doctors advice. He continued eating his steaks, potatoes, ice cream, cakes, and pies. In my mind it was the fatty food that did him in. I remember thinking if only he could have cut back on the fat, he might still be here today. Now I know it’s the opposite of that. If he only swapped out all those carbs for fat, he would still be here today. He wouldn’t have lost a leg at the knee, he wouldn’t have had several heart attacks.

I think it’s criminal how our medical industry lies to us everyday. Diabetes isn’t the end. For the most part it’s as easy to fix as putting a bandage on, with the caveat, now keep it clean.

Keto Vitae!

(Ken) #48

It was the Fat/Carb combinations that killed him, due to the massive hyperinsulinemia.

(Edith) #49

It’s not the doctors that are lying. They are just prescribing what they’ve been taught to prescribe. It’s the medical researchers funded by the sugar or “insert name here” industries. They don’t follow the scientific method. They create their hypotheses, perform their research, and either exaggerate their results to say yes, the answer we expected is true or when the hypothesis comes out false they hide their results. They are the liers.

(Coinneach Domhnullaich) #50

weird. youtube ketogeek page stops at 35, there is no #36 or #37. but I can use you link, thanks

(Coinneach Domhnullaich) #51

sorry, my fault. it was on the ketogeek website, not youtube.


I’ve been following a keto diet long enough to know it’s been great for me. (One year of lazy keto and another half year of strict, and lower carb for years before that.) And even though I’ve lost some weight, I’m still fat. I’m like that bellboy. I’ve educated myself and know a lot about the benefits of keto, …but unfortunately not many people who would really benefit are going to listen to a still fat person give dietary advice. Especially advice that says ‘eat more fat, no ‘healthy’ whole grains, etc’

Very frustrating. And I’m not even in the medical profession seeing sick people where that frustration must be multiplied.


I’m 66 and take Prozac and have taken it longterm. I too, wanted to get off it but that turned into a disaster. Within weeks I was a complete mess, melting into tears and very emotional. I went back on Prozac to see if it would make any change and within a week I stopped the emotional crying, etc. It was terribly embarrassing, I’d be crying anywhere, eg, talking to a friend a coffee shop. I had to try something. Anyway, getting back on Prozac was just like magic. I had done a lot of research and had previously questioned whether antidepressants even worked!! There’s a lot of conflicting info out in Dr Google Land!!

I now just work on trying to keep mentally and physically healthy. I am so lucky. I have none of the chronic illnesses or physical impairments that my contemporaries have, ok, I am a little overweight but I’m working on that with LCHF/Keto and it’s working!! I may try to come off Prozac down the track but that is not a priority for me right now.

This lifestyle and WOE works for me right now mentally and physically. If you’re not ready to come off P don’t be pressured by all the Dr Google hype. Do what’s right for you. Just sharing my story that’s all …


Hi. Did you try half a tablet? Wean yourself slowly, mark RN


Hi from another Mark in Qld born in 61
:smile:. There is a Low Carb talk coming soon. Did you look up lowcarbdownunder.com.au

(mark) #56

The 60s a popular time for fine names, beautiful motorbikes and exquisite sports cars. Yes, the website ( low carb down under) was great. Cleared up a lot of grey areas thank you.

(Kee) #57

No, it’s a capsule not a tablet. I am starting with omitting one every 5th day and will go from there as the brain gets used to not having it.

(cat gilliland) #58

At my last appointment, I specifically requested for the doctor to do a fasting insulin test, but he says it isn’t useful. :confused:

(cat gilliland) #59

I’ve tried telling my obese husband about the merits of keto, but he refuses to join me and gives me that same attitude. “you’re fat, so you obviously don’t know anything about dieting.”

Yes, but… I’m slowly but steadily losing weight… Maybe next year when I’m down by another 50 pounds and his calorie restriction plan still isn’t working, then he’ll finally listen.

(Heather~KWOL for life!) #60

As an RN, we were encouraged to hold open dialogues with MDs we may be working with because DOCTORS DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING… and good ones will tell you this. My doctor is all about different therapies…Keto, tai chi, EFTs, etc. and was very happy that we are doing keto. Talk to one of your nurses and have them have a conversation with doctors if you don’t feel you can. It’s a multidisciplinary team for a reason :slight_smile: