What happened here?

(Jimmy Lock) #1

I’ve been doing keto (eating only keto friendly foods) since the latter part of Nov 23 and a couple of weekend ago I went out to eat at a restaurant for my step daughter’s birthday.

I messed up since my original thought was to just get the side salad… instead though, I got a fish basket that had sweet potato fries which is dipped in A LOT of ketchup (I used to like me some regular fries and ketchup pre-keto)

So as I’m eating the fish and these sweet potato fries dipping pretty much each bite in ketchup… my stomach began to get a little upset. (I rarely get indigestion, no normal for me at all)

The stomach ache grew in to stomach PAIN that lasted until the next day and let to me vomiting at one point.

I was listening to a pod cast where some guys were saying ketchup normally has a lot of high fructose corn syrup… so I’m wondering, did I just experience some sort of reaction to high fructose corn syrup?

Or, maybe the ketchup was bad somehow and it was food poisoning? I’m fine now. I don’;t do doctors so no, I did not go get checked out since doctors are mostly useless unless one breaks a leg or something.

The only other thing I experienced during this time was I was constipated for about 3 days which is unheard of for me as I’ve pretty much always gone once per day my whole life.

(Geoffrey) #2

I really don’t know for sure but in my experience since being carnivore, if I eat some things that I have previously eliminated from my diet but try to experiment by trying reintroducing it, I find that I have a greater sensitivity to that particular food. Not unlike when I used to drink beer. I used to drink so much that I could easily knock off a case in one day and never feel the effects. If I were to drink one or two today I’m afraid I couldn’t pass a field sobriety test.

(Chuck) #3

As you change your diet and stay with it, your digestive system changes and adjusts to the different foods you eat and loses the bionome for the foods what you no longer eat. That is why you can have the cramps.
And it is the reason I will eat in very limited amounts at regular times food that I normally don’t eat. I have a life to live with family, friends and organizations that I volunteer at and even enjoy making new friends and volunteering opportunities. It is a balancing act that I am still learning and adjusting my eating habits to accomplish.

(Robin) #4

I agree with @Geezy56
My body can violently react to something I have eaten previously. Suddenly a small amount can be not only rejected, but Ejected.
No fun.

And the same principal… as an ex-alcoholic for many years, I couldn’t fall sleep one night so I took a big chug of NyQuil.
I barely made the bathroom in time before violently throwing it up.
My body is way smarter than I am.

Sounds like yours is too.

(Jimmy Lock) #5

Yep, I’m kinda thinking my body is changing due to cutting carbs to almost nothing.

So next time I’ll just go with the side salad.

(icky) #6

It’s a thing:

I think most of us have experienced feeling really sick after “slipping up” or “making an exception”.

Your body adjusts to a new style of eating and isn’t prepared for a sudden “exception”. I think it’s telling you that it can’t function well, with going back and forth on a whim, for no good reason and without any preparation.

I think most of us end up deciding that this kind of fallout isn’t worth it and it’s better to avoid these kind of situations and results.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #7

Could be the sweet potato or the ketchup causing problems. You’ve learned an important lesson; remember it for next time.

I doubt it was fructose that was causing your symptoms; more likely the sweet potato, in my opinion. But who knows. Anyway, as Geoffrey says, it is possible to discover a sensitivity to a food one hasn’t eaten in a while. It’s likely that the symptoms were previously masked in all the other noise in the data stream, but now, with less noise, you notice the signal more.

(Jimmy Lock) #8

Yeah, I have only eaten sweet potatoes a few times before I ever started on keto and they never caused any problems

But, when eating out I think I’ll stick with either eggs, steak, or salad. Those are all keto friendly so I’ll keep it simple next time