What do others in house eat if you are keto?


(Miro) #21

Family and young kids eat normal food at our house. Like we use to eat.
I’m on keto only cause of cancer.

I read that unless you are trying to solve a health issue for kids or siezure be careful of young kids on keto. It may stunt growth or other things.
Not sure how accurate it is, but I am happy kid and wife eat regular as I still get some of my cravings through the smell of their food.

(Susan) #22

I wish you all the best defeating the cancer, Miro, take care! I hope that the Keto lifestyle will help heal you and that you will be well in the future. I am really hoping that this will be a victory for you over this evil disease.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #23

The ketogenic diet designed to treat epileptic seizures is extremely high in fat and inadequate in protein.

A well-formulated ketogenic diet is safe for children (it’s what human beings evolved to eat, after all), but you must not stint their protein, especially during the pubertal growth spurt. The recommendations for protein intake that you will read on these forums and elsewhere are for adults who have finished growing (except for sideways, lol) and should be disregarded for growing children.

Children must be fed all the protein and fat they want. The protein is to supply amino acids for bone and muscle growth, the fat to supply fat and cholesterol for brain development. (The brain is mostly fat and contains about 25% of all the cholesterol in the body.)