What did you take a photo of on your walk today? (feat. CHUNK)

(Ashley) #142

Mine does the same thing, rescued mine when she was a kitten, I think she’s a feral that got abandoned by her mom. Found her outside crying ( in my backyard, was summer so kept an eye on her due to mothers sometimes come back). Once I brought her in she wouldn’t let me touch her or anything. Have had her two years, she hid up until two months ago. I switched to soft food and started hiding it in the cat tree. Now she will let me pet her, jump onto the couch with me. I still can’t pick her up, but she loves petting now. Before she would occasionally let me pet her under my bed as long as I was on the bed and put my hand under and let her come to me. Now she’s definetly come out of her shell! Should also add the cat tree is next to my couch upstairs living room and 6ft tall, has lots of perches so now she is usually in one of them while I’m on the couch, always watching me now! My other cat is super sociable also a rescue but is a lap cat!


Our last one was like that her whole life. Loved me & the husband but was pretty much a nervous wreck :scream_cat: Hope the cone comes off soon :slightly_smiling_face:

(Allie) #144

My old man cat over-grooms his back. He’s eighteen and has arthritis and chronic facial inflammation which is managed as best as possible by regular meds, but sometimes hid pain flares up and that’s when he starts pulling at his back - I think a combination of pain and frustration but he can’t have the meds any more often than he does already. We take each day as it comes and I keep his quality of life the biggest focus.

(Running from stupidity) #145

The girl will curl up in my wife’s lap when she’s downstairs after dinner watching stuff on the tablet or doing prep. And she’s insistent upon it happening, too :slight_smile: But you sit on the couch upstairs, it’s like she’s never met you. Even though a few years ago, she loved cuddling up when you were on the couch.

She’s a super-routine cat, very much like me. Big autistic tendencies for sure :slight_smile:


(Empress of the Unexpected) #146

(Allie) #147

Because my walk today involved visiting two different pet stores with my dog who decided he didn’t like this cushion and went full on kill mode at it :joy:

(Candy Lind) #148

Aw, poor bebe! :kissing_heart:

(Running from stupidity) #149

Woke up this morning to find her asleep next to me without the cone. Which was upstairs…


That’s how you do passive/aggressive :laughing:

(Running from stupidity) #151

Yeah, it was perfect :slight_smile:

(Stephanie ) #152

I’m in the springs too! :grin:

(Jeann Hannah) #153

I didn’t have to walk far…Dasher was waiting for me outside our front door!!!

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #154

Great composition.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #155

My “new spot.” Thought I’d hang out on the dresser for a bit.

Gosh, why is the iPhone X so grainy?

(Running from stupidity) #156

If there’s not a lot of light, it has to crank the sensitivity, which means grain.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #157

Yeah, my mistress just can’t take great pictures in the dark. She really should break down and use my master’s camera. But you have to admit I’m one of the cutest kitties out there, right? Except for yours. And yes, we have an anti-Elizabethan collar lobby. We will prevail.

(Running from stupidity) #158


(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #159

Visited Congo Mask and Howardena Pindell exhibits. Love that I live so close to the VMFA.

(Pete A) #160

South River in Waynesboro, VA

(Duncan Kerridge) #162

Edinburgh today, in the rain, walking off a rare hangover