What did you take a photo of on your walk today? (feat. CHUNK)

(Terence Dean) #122

Me too, this thread sucks the life out of my like-meter.

(Running from stupidity) #123

This one and the food one - killers.

(Running from stupidity) #124

Not planning on leaving the house today, so behold the girl rocking her cone of shame.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #125

True, but I also enjoy seeing how things work, so for me the demystification was part of the fun.

(Jane) #126


(Jane) #127

“Cat napping” takes on a whole new meaning. LOL

We don’t have any dogs until we quit traveling so much but we will some day. I love my tender-hearted animal lover, anti-social people avoider with all my heart and soul!

(Running from stupidity) #128



Cat photo day!!! Behold my baby :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

(Jane) #130

Beautiful baby!!!



(Jane) #132

Fat Max. The huge gray blob in the foreground. Sweet boy. My favorite.

The Viiking girls. Rescued from a dumpster. One long-haired (glamour girl who knows no stranger and wants everyone to pet her) and the other who is my best hunter


Too lovely - Fat Max looks totally blissed out! My girl would tear me a new one if I tried to introduce a new cat to the household - funny how the rescued soon become the hostage taker :smile:

(Running from stupidity) #134

They’ve learned :slight_smile:


Faster than I have :slightly_smiling_face: What did your girl do to earn her cone of shame?

(Running from stupidity) #136

She licked all the fur off the inside of a back leg and the skin bled, so that got her the cone. Then it was good, so it came off. Then she started on it again after a couple of weeks, so it’s back.


Crikey! Is it a nervous thing or does she dig the cone?

(Allie) #138

As it’s cat photo day… this is my favourite pic of my Magick, she was on my chest purring and drooling with joy.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #139

I had a cat who did that from anxiety when my mom decided he should be an indoor cat. He was even put on anti anxiety meds. Then I found a bunch of damp pills under the blanket in his basket and overrode mom’s decision. He was much happier when he could go outside, and he never went near the busy road my mom was worried about.

Allergies are another possible culprit.

(Alex ) #140

This is actually a few days ago but I forgot to post it up, the picture is so nice it’s worthy of a retrospective walk I took… This is Lincolnshire, UK.

I’ll get some more when I take my next ride out.

(Running from stupidity) #141

She’s a rescue we got a decade ago - first four months only came out from under the bed to eat and poo, then came up stairs a few months later when I moved her food up here to make her explore a bit. After about a year I came home and found her asleep on the couch up here, I was shocked. She’s still jumpy, and terrified of sharp noises. Still won’t allow herself to be picked up, but she’s a good girl. Sleeps under the doona next to me when it’s cold, and so on.