What did you take a photo of on your walk today? (feat. CHUNK)


:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: For Chunk :heart: Hope he’s well

(Running from stupidity) #1227

I initially read that as Lemmy, and thought: “Well, she’s too young to remember Motorhead being on The Young Ones!”

Remind him he’s in a thread title, that should help.

(Allie) #1228

Darling dog feels sad today :slightly_frowning_face:

He was very pleased to see me this morning but didn’t rush to get out of bed, plenty tail wags and kisses though.

I made him breakfast with his raw meat, a boiled egg, and the homemade yoghurt he loves so much.

Which he ate steadily and enjoyed.

And now he’s on a bed in the kitchen next to me while I sort out my own breakfast.

I’ll take him out for a gentle walk a bit later and see how he gets on :heart:

(Running from stupidity) #1229

Image four is a study in sad :slight_smile:

(Allie) #1230

Oh but look at this one @juice :grinning:

He just grabbed one of his toys and started leaping around playing like a puppy :joy::heart:

(Running from stupidity) #1231

GO CHUNK! (Official mascot of everything)

(bulkbiker) #1232

Boris is 6 years old today so he had a tuna birthday cake…for breakfast… his brother tried to get in first…

(Ellen) #1233

Lovely! Have a :heart: as all out of likes again.

(Allie) #1234

Happy birthday Boris! :heart:

(Allie) #1235

So happy :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

(Ellen) #1236



From a few days back, in Seattle.

(Allie) #1238

Love the dragon! :heart_eyes:


(Allie) #1240

Morning walk with my best boy Chunk :heart:


(Kristen Ann) #1242


(Allie) #1243

That’s a LOT of snow… us Brits can’t even cope with four inches.

(Allie) #1244

This morning’s walk. We were in the middle of a field and just by chance I turned around then felt the need to take a pic :grinning:

(less is more, more or less) #1245

I love this vague notion of “balance.” Behind it sits wads, wads and wads of sugar. I achieve this “balance” by leaving the front panel closed.