Wow. However, when you change insurance, you probably will be able to either find an accomodating doctor or use something like Ulta Labs, which will issue an inhouse doctor’s order when you order labs online. I have also gone to a family doctor who now specializes in fertility/hormone therapy, and so orders lots of blood tests, and therefore gets good rates with Labcorp.
Ditto Kib on the fasted insulin test. If you don’t know, that means it’s basically up to you to ensure you fast 12 hours before the blood draw - basically skip breakfast. You want this number to be below 7 at least - more ideally around 5. This will show no insulin resistance. Doctors don’t normally order this test, but it is far superior to blood sugar tests at predicting future diabetes.
Ditto on the full thyroid panel including antibodies. Iodine, if you want to keep your thyroid working at all. I use a whole food vitamin with kelp to ensure I get enough iodine, because I use plain sea salt. I would personally avoid all SAD dairy, esp cheese, as it has lots of A1 caseine, which I believe may be connected to thyroid antibodies. Either stop totally, or eat goat dairy and A2 cheese - which is somewhat hard to find. Try
Homocysteine - if it’s high, you may be able to lower it with TMG and/or methylcobalamin form of B12
ditto on uric acid
Here is one you will probably not hear - oxLDL. You can’t get this test from Labcorp anymore apparently because there are doubts about the accuracy… That is somewhat understandable given the many kinds of oxidation LDL can undergo. I get mine through Ulta Labs which uses Quest I believe. Nevertheless, I strongly feel this test is the single most accurate predictor you can get from blood tests of ongoing atherosclerosis. If it is above 190, there is about a 90% chance you have active atherosclerosis. Ideally, you want 60 or below - which I have managed to do for 2 years now.
I personally do not concern myself with the other LDL tests, although I did get some this Dec because they were in a discounted package. You may want to test Lp(a) if you have never done so. For instance my triglycerides were high, but my LDL was low, and my VLDL was on the high side. This is telling me that all those triglycerides were traveling around in VLDL. Which implies I was in a fat burning state. This was confirmed with a blood ketone reading of 1.
So, order Ketone testing.
My LDL to HDL ratio was 2:1 - which is quite good, and not indicative of any heart disease risk. VLDL is also not a risk factor for heart disease, because the LDL particle is too big to get embedded in the artery walls.
You might consider testing for magnesium, etc, although mineral levels in blood can be an inaccurate reading of the amount in your body.
Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio test. Ideally you want this ratio to be less than 3 to 1. If it is higher, this can be best corrected by eating more fresh or near vacuum packed frozen WILD seafood - esp the cold water varieties. As of this last year, I have also taken to eating a good bit of hemp seed and milk which is a decent source of ALA. As a woman you will be better converter of ALA into Omega 3 DHA and EPA - the primary goal. Of course refrain from eating any foods prepared with seed oils.
Well, those are probably the most important blood tests for your future metabolic health.
Homa-IR, A1C and maybe a few others. If you are staying away from sugar, however, your A1C should be good. If it is high you can generally expect your oxLDL to be higher than optimal because A1C is measuring the level of glycation of your hemoglobin protein. LDL is covered in a protein, and when it becomes glycated from blood sugar, it will oxidize about 6 times easier.