What are you Keto-doing right now?

(Andrew Anderson) #1

Happy weekend! Smoking Goose in Indianapolis had a freezer sale. Grabbed tons of jowl bacon and other goodies including some rabbit sausage (not sure what to do with the bunny yet).
Have to wait for my deli slicer to arrive tomorrow to slice num nums up right!
So what are you all Keto-doin today?


Listening to Ketoevangelist podcast 118, Thom King, CEO of Steviva Ingredients, Inc. Learning a ton about the artifical sweeteners we use. BTW, he went Keto around a year ago. His journey is interesting it is about 53 mins into the podcast.

I’m also fasting water and black coffee only.


Just polished off a bag of hot n spicy pork rinds, while my 4yo was trying to steal them the whole time. I’ve got a pork rind monster (he’s in training). Also, just stuck a 4lb top round in my instant pot for later!

(Mike W.) #4

I’ve got a tri tip waiting to go on the smoker. Gonna serve it over a cauliflower purée, with roasted Brussels in an orange muscat champagne vinaigrette.

(Athena) #5

Watching and listening to Gary Taubes on the Joe Rogan Experience.

(Heather Miller) #6

Catching up on podcasts from the holidays, reading on here, snacking on fatty cheese while getting ready to eat some delicious halibut with broiled Brussels sprouts and bacon!


Digesting a 20oz ribeye…

(Andrew Anderson) #8

What time is dinner! On my way!

(Candy Lind) #9

I have never heard of a freezer sale! ‘Splain to me!

(Andrew Anderson) #10

They had surplus of amazing meats that usually go for $8-$12 a pound. You get a box, they let you fill it for $50. Should be a Keto game show. I won today.

(Candy Lind) #11

Keeping it simple, eh? Dang foodies … :smiling_imp:

(Candy Lind) #12

OMG! I gotta find me one of those!!


Watched some keto videos this morning.
Cleared out some freezer space for several bags of frozen cauliflower rice on sale.
Divided up a package of fatty ground meat into small packets, and froze them.
Purchased a couple organic chickens to make broth tomorrow.
Made cauliflower risotto for lunch. Yum.

Honorable mention: Yesterday, rendered some pork fat.

(Andrew Anderson) #14

Fun! My almost 2 year old now says " more brisket please!" Keto parent proud! Is that a new acronym KPP!

(Mike Glasbrener) #15

Fasting, 48 hrs so far. I finished Taube’s book “The case against sugar” and have started “The salt fix”.

(Andrew Anderson) #16

I’m planning a bacon and egg regiment for Monday-Friday this week. Ever feel the need to get back to the basics? I’m not a weight or macro chaser, but know this will help me round the wagons. I also am in love with bacon and eggs.

(Ron Mc Curley) #17

Walking down peel street at Tamworth County Music Festival.

(Tom) #18

Playing with my newly acquired “kitchen toys are medical expenses” sous vide circulator with a pork chop gently cooking that I’ll finish on the BBQ later. Also cooked a couple of batches of bacon that I’ve vacuum packed to snack on during the week!


Wwwwwow! That’s quite a stash of goodies!

This afternoon I was keto-doing something, re-reading parts of Christi Vlad’s book Ketone Power: Superfuel for Optimal Mental Health and Ultimate Physical Performance and then had a very tasty supper of butter-roasted brussel sprouts, butter-roasted walnuts, and some slices of lovely raw cow milk cheddar :sparkling_heart:

(Zoe ) #20

I fasted til around 12, had a lovely lunch and went to see a friend. I re-listened to the Robert Cywes podcast(s) from 2015 Cape Town, South Africa LCHF Convention Lecture.
Sooooo good to listen to. Cruising through the ketogenic forums.
