What annoyed you this week? Keto or just life, in general

(karen) #21

Along the same lines, slow ‘drivers’ in the Costco aisles. I want my organic lemon juice and julienned zucchini and my roast chicken and then I want to go home. If you’re going to pilot a cart the size of a small car, don’t park it for 20 minutes in front of the tostada samples, please.

(Cathy) #22

I love Costco but share the same annoyance with some people’s cart skills (or lack there of). I find myself thinking that those that are glommed around carby sample tables are like zombies on carbs - brains are not working well. LOL!

(GINA ) #23

I live in vacationland and we get whole families in our Costco, walking very slowly, four across, looking for the giant Hawaiian print towels and Tommy Bahama beach chairs.

I want to yell at them to get out of my Costco so I can get my avocados and go home, but I was raised better than that.

(Sophie) #24

Y’all are killin me with the Costco stories this morning! LOL :laughing::rofl::laughing:


Keto… Or I should say, cleaning due to the aftermath of keto food cooking.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #26

I’m rereading Teicholz’ Big Fat Surprise and getting really angry. I just want to take some of those people and shake some sense into them.


How about throwing my pelvis out of wack half way through my weeks holiday (just 2 days after Seeing my chiropractor for a regular check up ) resulting in 4 days of &€% painful lower back before I could get another chiropractor appt(and sadly not my reg chiro who is amazing and knows my tendency towards screwing myself up in weird and stupid ways)


Dealing with a 12 year old having a royal meltdown this morning. Then having my own temper tantrum, followed by said 12 year old having a second ongoing meltdown while attempting to do a mathematics exam she was clearly unprepared for, followed by more conflict over not being prepared etc… By 2:00 pm I was well on my way to feeling overwhelmed and traumatized by the days events and had not even gotten to work yet. Feeling annoyed may have been an understatement. Hoping tomorrow is an easier day. Oh, annoyed with myself I was fat fasting and ended up eating a pork rib and some nuts. Trying to get back into ketosis since Sunday night and it’s not happening. Wonder if stress or my fat choices are working against me :confused:

(Cathy) #29

That sounds more traumatic then just ‘annoying’. Sure hope you have a better day.