What advice would you give to your newbie keto self?



So this one is for the oldies. Looking back over your keto journey…what advice (if any) would you give to your newbie keto self??

(TJ Borden) #3

I second what @alexelcu said.


[quote=“alexelcu, post:2, topic:57169”]f
keto isn’t a weight loss die
This! :clap:t2:I admittedly started Keto expecting miracles as regards weighloss. I was very uneducated on how keto actually works. I came for the weight loss…but stayed for how good I feel on it!
All Great advice!!!

(less is more, more or less) #5

I would reassure myself that procuring a recommendation from my GP regarding my obesity diagnosis and scrambling to visit Dr. Westman to become his patient. He’s popular and hard to get an appointment with, as you might imagine. I see tons of confusion here, and I never had such conceptual difficulties as I got started with LCHF and my new life.

(Jane) #6

Ditto @alexelcu

Also did Atkins in the past and failed.

Also came for the weight loss and stayed for the health benefits. Because of all the healthy fats I have been eating, my skin and hair have never looked better! Gray strands disappearing, brown spots on my hands and arms fading, even the blue spider veins on my legs are lighter. I am never “starving”, can go long periods comfortably without eating and not a slave to my cravings and hunger anymore. Freedom!

This is just what I can see. I am hoping as much or more healing is happening on the inside.

I would tell my newbie self to not be concerned with the “lying liar who lies” scale and KCKO for the health benefits. The weight will take care of itself until you get close to goal, then fasting is the key.


Honestly I would have said, enjoy the initial period when you are allowed to eat unlimited fat (and still lose weight…which is what I did) because at some point that will have to end and you actually have to count macros or calories to lose weight! Those were the good old days haha.


That’s amazing! such a good point …if you’ve noticed all those external benefits…imagine the internal ones!! Also…”Freedom”!!! :ok_hand:t2: It took me a while to learn that the weight will take care of itself and just trust that my body knows what it’s doing :blush:


“Enjoy the initial period” - love that!!! I was so scared eating so much fat in the beginning and didn’t trust the process. Life would have been easier if I just …enjoyed it

(Frank) #10

I probably wouldn’t gotten a proper blood lipid panel done preketo. At least then I would’ve had a baseline. I did go about 6 weeks in but I had already seen a lot of change by that point.


That’s a good tip actually :ok_hand:t2:

(Tovan Nhsh) #12

For me it would be “avoid all keto-sweeteners/desserts (including fat bombs)” & “do not be afraid of protein”.

(Doug) #13

Not a lady (and hardly a gentleman) but, “Don’t let early success make you complacent.”

(Linda) #14

After you’ve lost your weight, don’t think you can stop and go back to enjoying carbs. You don’t want to have to lose the same poundage repeatedly. It gets harder every time.


Dear 1 Week Keto Self,

  • Take a before pic!
  • Buy some Electrolyte Salts and Iron! Helps with the keto flu so much!
  • Get the Dexa scan, its cool information to have to compare to later!

9 weeks and 5 days Keto Self

(Karen) #16

This is going to take much longer than you think if loss is important.



Eat enough protein and take Biotin.
Do obsess about macros. Overeating is easy. Its what got you here, so take control.
Don’t get upset when you hit a weight loss stall for 3 months. Just keep going.
Don’t self sabotage, and if you do, don’t brag about it.


Man! You nailed almost exactly what I would have told me! Nice summary of 4 hugely important (to me at least) points.

  1. Don’t overcomplicate it. Don’t drive yourself crazy wondering if macro calculator #3 is better than macro calculator #5 or whether you should subtract half or all of the sugar alcohols for net carbs or any of those details.
  2. Just focus of getting rid of carbs and eating healthy fats/oils when possible. That’s 80% of the way of eating and you can tweak the other 20% later.
  3. Use ketogenicforums as your main source of advice/information instead of reddit.

(jim) #20

Why do you say avoid fat bombs?


I honestly think fat is great in the beginning. Glugging the HWC etc, but as you become accustomed to the way of eating, eat less fat. Burn the fat on your body instead.
I eat good fats in my avocado, have an ounce of Kerrygold each day, but my HWC is 2 tablespoons a day now, and MCT in coffee a couple times a week. Once my weight is where I want it, I will increase my fat again, as I know it will be burnt as energy instead of me storing it.