Weight loss on day 11?

(Keto Koala 🐨) #1

Hi guys, I don’t know how much weight I lost in the first week of Keto as I had no scale so I bought one. I weighed myself and then weighed myself again 3 days later. I lost 2.23 pounds in 3 days. Is that too little??? I know it seems a stupid question but I have lots to lose and want to make sure it’s ok.

(Deborah) #2

I’d be happy with it. It’s heading in the right direction. And you don’t know how much you started with. I bet you already dropped a bunch!

(Keto Koala 🐨) #3

Thankyou I was trying not to worry. This is the exact reason I wasn’t going to get a scale. Also I just saw a YouTube video where a guy says that the less protein thing is a myth and in order to lose weight you must eat more protein than fat. Then all the carb apps and Google says the complete opposite. SO confused. Do you eat more fat than protein or the other way around?

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #4

Don’t stress on how much/little you are losing. You are bound to drive yourself crazy! Everyone is different and will lose at different rates. :slightly_smiling_face:

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #5

Fat has nearly double the calories of protein, so if you eat a bit more protein than fat, based on grams, you are still eating a higher % of fat calories.

Personally, I’d just eat the higher fat. You don’t need to rush the loss. I’m sure someone else can give better advice, since I’m not in this to lose weight.

(Keto Koala 🐨) #6

Thankyou. I have so much to learn. I’m hoping that one day I’ll know it like my ABCS. Lol

(Scott) #7

Carbs below 20g, moderate protein and fat to satiaty. Done


Nope. that is good, plus you don’t know if ya lost more because you just got that scale.

eating too little fat and protein isn’t good for many. be sure to eat fresh good meats. the meat will contain good fats you need.

Plus the more you take in from the internet and all, it can get very confusing. Oh boy I got sidetracked on all the info out there.

Rclause is right. Keep those carbs controlled, eat your moderate good delish meats and rock it out.

Your weight loss will happen. When it needs to happen. The body will do this for you :slight_smile: Just keep eating clean and well and let it all happen for you…it will!

(Keto Koala 🐨) #9

Thankyou :blush:. I ate bit more for dinner tonight and was SO full. Yep I will try to just keep it simple. I’m heading to the butcher next time I’m out. Nothing beats fresh meat. I won’t let the damn scale control my life, not again. I shouldn’t compare to three years ago. In 2016 I completely cut out carbs and sugar but I ate about 300 calories a day and I would lose 2 pounds a day!!..Until I was so weak with hunger I would pass out, come to, then cave in and eat crap. :joy:


yea we can’t go back there :slight_smile: I think also there is that time in life we grab hold of when we say………there has to be a way to do this right?..for me…and then ya go out and find it.

More of a real need ya know. I had some food troubles in my life also.
I had to let it go and it was a fight for sure so I know some of the tough stuff we all have to handle.

But one day I kinda had that…who, what, and where in the hell do I find that right way for me? So I ran off searching info on foods etc and hit low carb info. And I rolled from there.

The strongest and bravest we ever are in life is when we see a personal problem and we set out to fix it. Take on challenges that seem very daunting to handle to change ourselves but hot damn, we are doing it and clawing at a way to make it work for us and heal us.

We’ll all be ok :slight_smile:

(Keto Koala 🐨) #11

I couldn’t agree more with you. I’m glad you found this lifestyle and stopped your hang up with food :blush:. I just thought to myself “Crap, it’s almost 2020, decade of my thirties, I need to get over these food hangups and stop torturing my body”. Xx

(John) #12

I have no idea how much I lost during week one. My scale only goes up to 300, and I was above that, so I weighed this much: |--------| beyond 300, according to my scale. By sheer chance, I had an annual followup with my allergist the following Monday, and they have a balance beam scale, so I weighed myself on that, lightly clothed, and it said 320.

When I got home, wearing the exact same clothes, I weighed on the home scale, and set one of the little sliding markers at where the needle came to rest, and called that 320.

I then decided arbitrarily that the weight of the clothing was equal to whatever weight I lost during week one, and decided I would use 320 as my official starting weight. It may have been 325 or 330 for all I know.

I didn’t have another clear data point until the scale read 300, several weeks later. I didn’t even keep a record of weekly weight measurements until 12 weeks in, when it was down to 282. Only then did I start keeping a record, but only a weekly weight, at the same time every Monday morning, which is what I count as “official”.

When you have a journey of 100 miles, is there any value in anticipating every mile marker on the highway? No, just the major mile markers, to make sure you are still headed in the right direction.

Most of my intermediate goal weights were 10 or 15 pounds apart. I found that was good enough to give me feelings of accomplishment as I achieved one, and helped to give me a nudge to push for the next one as it got closer, without being so distant as be discouraged that I would ever get there.

I still have three ahead of me, but right now I am just focused on the next one. It is close, but elusive. But that closeness of the goal gives me motivation to push on and get there.

(Keto Koala 🐨) #13

Wow, well done you :blush:. Your an inspiration that’s for sure. Yes I think I will avoid the scale for awhile and just let my body adapt. It’s very early days After all. Christ, it hasn’t even been two weeks yet. Xxx

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #14

My advice would be to value the journey, not just the endpoint. Any improvement or accomplishment as you move through this is a victory. For example, I lost 30 lbs the first half of the year but nothing the second half. My accomplishment was that my body continued to change, I stuck with healthy eating, I didn’t gain any weight, my mood and body felt better. The more arbitrary goals you set (need to lose 2 lbs a week), the more you set yourself up for disappointment.

Plus, you’re still learning. No job would expect you meet a quota during your training period. Give yourself space time to get the hang of things.

(Keto Koala 🐨) #16

Thankyou. Yup I’m still learning. I’ll eventually get it. Well done on the weight loss, that’s great!!:blush::heart:

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #17

I thought you weren’t going to weigh so you didn’t obsess over the scale :confused:

(Marianne) #18


I think that is a lot - almost a pound a day. FYI, your weight loss will slow somewhat after the initial adjustment. My average was 5-8 lbs. a month, more in the beginning.

(Marianne) #19

Be wary; the scale can really mess with your mind.

After starting keto and taking the mystery of it away, I discovered that unlike any other “diet” (keto is not a diet to me), this time I was just going to eat clean and live my life - no scale, no weighing or measuring food, no calorie counting, no exercise. How completely liberating. I don’t think about my weight or what the number may be on the scale. I know I am thin from my clothes. I do get weighed at the doctors’, probably 5-6 times a year.

(Jane) #20

Be sure and take measurements also. Sometimes the scale didn’t move but my jeans got looser.

(Deborah) #21

Hi Aimee,
I don’t worry about the protein, fat ratio at this point. But I have heard that more fat will help you get into ketosis and I’ve heard the debate also. I just eat fatty meats and include cheese.