Weight gain for no reason

(Stan Brooks) #10

That’s a thing?


Yes I made it from the book complete ketogenenics for beginners… it’s called nut medley granola


(Andrew) #13

Was it good? Either answer … you can’t eat it. Too many carbs. Ask your scale if you have questions. It’s just water weight.

Some people can eat whole grains and be lean. I can’t even look at yogurt much less a pile of nuts.


Really? I just assumed if the recipe is in that book I can have it?


I have another rather dumb question… if a product says 7 g of carbs and it also says 2 g of sugar… does that mean the product has 9 g of carbs minus the fiber of course?

(Jessica) #16

I tried looking at your profile to answer this question, but couldn’t find the answer. Are you a woman?


Yes I am… and I’m 57

(Stacy Blanchard) #18

Hello Sam,
Two quick scale thoughts:
Are you weighing around the same time each day?
Is your scale accurate?
I personally do not weigh unless I am at the doctor. The scale messes with my mind and causes me frustration which does not help me make good food choices. I watch other markers like how my clothes fit, how good I feel and if I am eating and fasting with ease. I want to fit into certain size clothes and when I do, I will not care how much I weigh. I also work out everyday and I know that muscle is heavier than fat for the same volume. The scale only tells part of a story. If you lose fat it will go down less on the scale but more on your clothes. If you lose muscle it will go down more on the scale and less on your clothes. I think you can weigh but don’t let that be your only guide on keto. Keep trying to increase your knowledge of the foods your eating, make the best choices you can, watch other markers for good health to improve motivation and give it time to work.

(Briton) #19

Yogurt has a lot of carbs. You might want to focus on getting more fat in your diet. Try making a chia pudding if you want something light for breakfast. Also make sure to drink your water and salt everything!

(Jessica) #20

I tend toward extreme water weight fluctuations. Hormones, exercise and carbs all make me retain.


Salt everything?? I’ve been trying to use less salt… should I not be doing that?


Thank you😊

(Ethan) #23

Keto+Salt = happy

(Donna ) #24

I am 49 yr old woman and I just can’t eat yogurt on Keto. It has too many carbs. I don’t know the recipe for Keto granola, but it’s probably high carb, given your big weight gain in 6 days.

Go back to basics. Keep carbs under 20 grams per day. Don’t avoid fat.

Avoid sugar.

Salt your food, don’t avoid salt. If you are staying under 20 grams of carbs per day, you are dropping water weight like crazy and will need the salt to avoid hypotension (low blood pressure = dizziness/tiredness)

(Stan Brooks) #25

Nope never assume. Look at the marco and go by that.

No. disregard anything other than total carbs then subtract any fiber and that’s your answer.
Also remember that those number are per serving. It may seem low carb but if the serving is only a tea spoon for example it will add up fast.

(Briton) #26

Yep. If you are drinking enough water you are flushing your system of salt. Pink salt is awesome. Use it!


I’ve found there are many keto recipes that are very high carb.Its a buzz word and everyone is out to make $ off it, make sales.
Lots of those recipes make me crave, gain …they are a slippery slope for me.
More carbs you eat the more water you retain.


Thanks for all the help and good advice😊

(Missy) #29

@Sam2 yes, definitely be careful of keto recipe books out there. Someone just posted about this a few days ago and the recipe was no where near keto.

[Watch out beginners for fake keto recipes and information]