Weight gain doing Keto and Crossfit

(Brian M) #1

I’ve been eating Keto since Feb 2018 so over a year.

I’ve been crossfitting over that time. I’m competitive in my area so I do it regularly.

Over that time, I’ve increased my one rep max’s and endurance times. All while losing fat. I love it.

However, in the last month, I have INCREASED my body weight about 5 lbs. Not much has changed (I bought an Oura ring so now my sleep is slightly better). I’ve also noticed that I feel sluggish and my joints have been sore lately (left wrist/shoulder). My times are still good but I feel like I don’t have as much strength.

Anyone experienced weight gain after doing keto for over a year? Who has done this long term for more than one year?

(Jay Patten) #2

I have been keto for over a year and I will admit that there are times when I feel sluggish. I found that eating more green leafy and cruciferous vegetables has helped a lot. Of course I also drink a cup of salty broth every day as well.

I usually fast during the day and eat when I get home from work. I had an upset stomach yesterday and didn’t really eat much. I had multiple visits to the bathroom, if you know what I mean, and now I’m feeling quite sluggish today.

I also strength train, so I think I just didn’t eat enough yesterday, I’m not sure.

As for the weight gain, I would suggest measuring yourself with a tape. That way you know for sure if it is fat or muscle you are gaining.

(Brian M) #3

Thanks for the reply and the reminder for more salts. I cook with the pink salt but I should be doing more. I have bone broth at home too and haven’t cracked it yet.

I typically will fast from 7-8pm until 3-4pm the next day so around 16-17 hrs. However when I’m training hard some days I just feel like eating during the day.

Do you measure waistline?

(Katie) #4

Weekly pictures will also help ypou determine what is changing in your body’s composition (water gain/loss, fat gain/loss, muscle gain/loss).

Is it possible you need a deload period? Are those built in to your programming already?

(Brian M) #5

Deload meaning increasing carb intake? I don’t have any planned periods. If my family and I go on vacations I’m more relaxed on what I eat. So there are a couple periods throughout the year I eat whatever.

I’m pretty consistent. No weekly/monthly binges of donuts. :slight_smile:

(Katie) #6

No, a deload in your fitness. Usually there is a deload week every 6 weeks or so. This means reducing the amount of weight you are lifting significantly, not going to to the gym at all and doing walks and mobility, etc. It is important to do so that the muscles and central nervous system to rest. Many people experience muscle/strength ‘gains’ after when they were stalling.

Do you go to a CrossFit box or do your own programming? If your coach is not programming deloads, that is a problem.

(Brian M) #7

Ah I’m with you. Yeah some weeks I’ll go easier than others. Not all 1RM’s every day. Some weeks I’ll only train 1-2 times and some it will be 5+ times a week.

(Katie) #8

It might be worth it to invest in a good program that has deloads built into it, if you are not very experienced in programming.

(Jay Patten) #9

Waist, arms, thighs, chest, neck…

Keep track. If the waist goes up, it could be from bloating or gas or whatever. But if they ALL go up, then yeah, you may want to recheck your diet.

Of course if you are adding muscle, you will see it. 5 pounds of pure muscle would be considered a good gain by any standard.

(Brian M) #10

I’m familiar with programming and as I mentioned I rest as needed. I’m curious if anyone has experienced lean muscle gain after being on keto for a long time.

(Brian M) #11

Yeah I have noticed more muscle. I guess I just wasn’t expecting it after making almost no changes to my diet and exercise regimen. I’ll take it if that’s the case.

I wonder if my body hit some kind of homeostasis point where I’ve lost the amount of fat my body will allow to keep it at an optimal performance? Now converting the calories differently? I dunno that probably makes no sense haha. I’m not a physiologist or dietitian.

(Jay Patten) #12

Actually, yes. Weight “setpoints” are a real thing!


Me and the wife have been keto for a couple years now, we’ve both put weight on after a year or so. We got into fasting and I did OMAD for a while and it slowed down my metabolism, confirmed that by having it tested. From that point I had to watch all macros and pay attention to calories until starting at what the RMR test gave me. Once I lost a couple lbs I started (still doing it) reverse dieting to get it back up. So far it’s working and I raise my calories slightly every other week and I’m still loosing so I think I’m on the right track. Without the RMR test I would have never guessed it was as slow as it was and wouldn’t have eaten even less than I was. My hunger / satiety signals went off the reservation at some point so they don’t get trusted anymore. I’ve also busted though some plateau’d weights in the gym that I’ve been stuck at for a while.

(Brian M) #14

Nice sounds like you’ve researched it well. I guess it’s somewhat normal then. Thanks for the input!

(Jay Patten) #15

You have to be careful doing OMAD because it’s easy to fall short of a full day’s calories eating just one meal. This will eventually cause a metabolic slowdown as the body adapts to having less energy available (which is why reduced calorie diets are always doomed to fail).

I do OMAD and have had great results, BUT I’m sure to eat a full 2,000 (give or take) calorie meal. This allows me to keep my insulin levels low all day while not sacrificing my metabolism in the process.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #16

Interesting thread, and a good question. It boils down to whether you are gaining lean tissue (including increased bone density) or fat. If the latter, I would suspect carb creep, especially if there are any processed foods in your diet. (Sometimes manufacturers re-formulate with added sugar, etc. and it is also easy to consume a bit more carbohyddrate than we realize.)

I’ve been keto for two years, now, and I notice that my body composition changes all the time. My weight has been stable since late 2017, but my ability to wear certain trousers seems to vary. The occasional yielding to carb cravings is probably a factor in my case.

The phrase “converting the calories differently” was what attracted my attention. We can’t add muscle from carbohydrate or fat, that requires nitrogen, which means amino acids, hence protein. One of the reasons we require a certain minimum amount of protein every day is that we are constantly losing a certain irreducible amount of nitrogen every day, from the deamination of amino acids (the nitrogen gets converted into uric acid, then to urea, and is then excreted in the urine). Autophagy of old tissue can help recycle nitrogen, of course.

But it is entirely possible that if your protein intake went up, and if it included enough of the essential branched-chain amino acids (leucine, iso-leucine, and valine), that you actually did increase your muscle mass. And don’t forget about the possibility of increased bone density—what I learned from these forums is that although we think of bone as being made of calcium, it is actually a protein matrix that holds the calcium in place.

(George) #17

I think I might be in this predicament. I’ve been OMAD for a while, and I eat till I’m full, and have been having great results for a while now, but for the past couple weeks I’ve been noticing that I NEED to do weekly 60 hour fasts to move the scale down, otherwise my weight just maintains. It’s weird because I don’t feel my energy levels decreased, I still workout, even added an extra set to my lifting regimen. You think the weekly weight stalling pre-fasting is due to metabolism, or just a regular ol’ keto stall?

(Jay Patten) #18

It very well could be your metabolism slowing down if you are decreasing how much you eat. Also, don’t do OMAD every day for weeks on end. Vary your feeding times/ amounts to keep your body guessing.

(George) #19

Last time I tried doing more than 1x/day it felt like I was force feeding myself lol.