Was the forum gone/ offline for a week...?

(icky) #1

Hi, I’ve not been able to log into the forum for about… a week? 10 days…? It wouldn’t even load the forum’s website… Has it been down? Or was it some other issue? (I’m in Europe, so dunno if that’s why it wouldn’t connect…?)

(Todd Allen) #2

I couldn’t access these forums for about 2 weeks so it was not just you. I hope someone who knows the details can share them with us.

I am curious, in part because another forum I frequented disappeared somewhat recently and I was concerned this one could also disappear unannounced. In that case it was slightly ironic as the forums were focused on longevity by way of the caloric restriction society and I heard months later the forums went down after the person responsible for their hosting died suddenly. As the person was in their prime apparently no plan had been made for the possibility despite the seemingly increasing commoness of healthy people dieing abruptly.


Yes this was down.

I had withdrawal symptoms! I even emailed the host isp, traced it to UK and asked about this downtime but got no reply.


It was definitely longer than a week for me. I lost about 95% of my social life (I don’t even joke, it’s that pathetic), it wasn’t fun. This forum helps me to stick to my plans too (I don’t stick to them but more than without)…

But yay, it’s BACK! :smiley:

…And now I don’t seem to be able to send this… Oh but it has happened for the 2nd time!


Hopefully de didn´t get “nuked”.

There was one a bit strange post just before we went down, I can not find it now. Someones first post, he was eating 12 eggs and 600 (?) grams of beef plus lots of tallow and butter every day. Still not losing weight…?

I´m not saying that post had anything to do with our downtime. Just wondering where that post is now? I did not reply to it.

(icky) #6

Maybe something went wrong with the forum… And then you go back to the last “backup” which may have been 24 hours earlier, so any posts after that may have been lost…?

(Pete A) #7


Have some chix.


Thank you!

Now I found “the lost post”,too. It was not about losing weight. My bad.

(Alec) #9

Oh, boy! I was getting worried that Richard and Carl had thrown the towel in, and moved onto other things… but we’re back! :clap::clap::clap: Phew! 🫣


I missed it so much! It’s such a source of encouragement, definitely have wavered over the last week so time to get back to it.


I have missed this too, so pleased it’s back online! I felt quite alone in keto terms, I don’t know anyone else doing this! :grinning:


When I really missed even just some general nutrition forum, I have tried to find something else but nope, apparently there is nothing else for me…
So it’s nice to get it back. Sometimes I really need to talk about my experiences, goals and findings.

(Joey) #13

We were sorely missed. But happily, we’re all back. :vulcan_salute:

(KM) #14

I contacted Mark Rhodes, who contacted Richard, who contacted Carl, who contacted Nick - or something like that. Apparently the physical server actually broke, and they had to replace it? A game of online “telephone” here, but I think that’s the story. So …


(KM) #16

I was resorting to Facebook toward the end! Gaaaah! :rofl:

(Central Florida Bob ) #17

I was thinking of starting a Facebook account again. I had one years ago, so long ago I barely remember, but I think it was around 20 years ago (?) and I got sick of it back then. Without these forums I know of nobody (nowhere) to talk with about this stuff. I got an email from the forums this morning, one of those “we missed you. Here’s what people have been talking about.” and I knew I’d been trying daily for at least a week and never got anything besides a “Bad Gateway” response. I tried to open the site and got the same error. A few hours later, I tried clicking on one of the email links and the forums were here.

Thanks to everyone!

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #18

We need something in place for this kinda thing. I was worried too!
I’m not sure someone somewhere needs a phone number … or email address for emergencies.
Just a thought

(Ronald Weaver) #19

Thank goodness it’s back ! I too was becoming a little bit paranoid and thinking maybe some of those conspiracy theories are right after all ?
I was told recently that it has been proved that gravity doesn’t exist… because the earth is flat.
And sea levels are not rising… it’s land masses sinking because we’re all becoming obese.

(KM) #20

I was willing to check out the carnivore forum some people like @Geezy56 have moved to, but with the forums down, I couldn’t look up what it was. :roll_eyes:

For the record, I couldn’t find any useful science-based Facebook groups. A lot of rumors and recipes for how to eat a lower carb but equally “SAD” diet, IMO.

(Robin) #21

Admins were out of the loop too, I think. But we’re back. Wheee!