Unusual swollen finger condition - Suggestions required

(SRB) #1

Hey Guys,
I am new to Keto and Im 1 week in. I noticed some rashes on my wrist but I consulted some online forums which explained it was expected when in ketosis.

But for the past few days Ive noticed that my little finger is swollen and the skin is covered with tiny bumps. Its quite itchy and does not seem to subside.

I dont have any particular allergy towards the food items Im currently consuming on the keto diet.

Id like to know if any one else had a similar issue related to Keto?

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


(Liz ) #2

No answer for you but maybe this info will help? Folks in another thread connected an allergy to avocados with an allergy to latex.

(Central Florida Bob ) #3

FWIW, that reminds me of a dermatitis. It looks like you have a lot of small bumps on that finger. I had something like that a few times, and the bumps got bigger, eventually looking like they had some fluid in them. Like you say, very itchy.

Those are usually from touching something you’re sensitive (allergic?) to. Turned out mine was the soap in the dispensers at work; I’d get the bumps near or under rings - anyplace that didn’t get rinsed well. Cortisone cream helped the itch and reduced the size of the bumps.

Like I say, for what it’s worth.


Looks like dyshidrotic eczema to me (?)

(Bunny) #5

Looks like it could be keto rash (scaly scabs and itchiness), I got the same thing (looks just like it with tiny bumps in the your picture you provided especially the little finger) and used Ox Bile supplements and started getting my omega 6 and 3 ratios balanced 1:1 and MCT oil (extra virgin) and with leafy green intake balanced 1:1 over a period of time to get rid of it!

Itching ! Itching ! Itching!
(Karen) #6

There are lots of eczema that look like this. Not a doc but maybe you should see one


(Consensus is Politics) #7

I’ve recently (in past few months) began to develope these little postules (sp?) on my wrists, hands, feet and ankles. They itch pretty bad, and remind me of chigger bites.

Chigger bites itch really bad. So bad the itch can be painful, and you just can’t not scratch it. From what research I’ve done on chiggers in the past, there are similarities with these bumps.

There is the location. Same exact locations that chiggers love do some reason. I’ve never had chigger bites anywhere else but these locations. And of course the itching. Which is probably an allergic reaction in both cases.

I’m pretty sure this can’t be chiggers for one reason. An essential part of their life cycle is to feed as an adult (hence the bites), but on water fowl. Ducks and geese most notably. I haven’t seen a single waterfowl within miles of my home. So I’m doubting this is the cause.

[leaving out the rest of the boring research about chiggers]

These bumps first appear as a slightly itchy spot. Still completely undetectable other than a general itch. About a week or so before it shows as a reddish area, the skin there has a very high sensitivity to heat. Washing my hands in normally slightly hot water causes these spots to feel like pinpoint fires on the skin. Something like popping cooking oil just landed. Using slightly less hot water alleviates this. It’s N all or nothing pain too. It doesn’t go up as the water heats. Once the water hits a certain temperature, instant pain. No ramp up. It just flips a switch.

After a few weeks of itching a bump appears. The pustules as I call it. Not in groups like a contact dermatitis, but more like a splinter. Like something inside the body is being attacked and pushed out, only the thing is fighting back and refusing to leave.

These things itch so bad that I have scratched them until they bleed. (I have stopped doing that, as I really don’t want these thing to spread or get infected :thinking:).

Something I have noticed when scratching or feeling them, they feel somewhat solid inside. Thus my reference to something being attacked and pushed out. Scraping with my fingernail and my nail will catch on it, and if I try, I will break the skin open by scraping it. I have done this a few times, hoping to remove the offending object only to find nothing in it, not even excess moisture.

The bump then begins to subside over about a week, and the itching lessens. I end up with a little brown scab on that spot.

The largest grouping of these things is on my right hand. There are six of them in an almost straight line from wrist to top of palm, about 5 inches long pretty evenly spaced too :thinking:.

There is on spot that seems to be maybe 3 to 5 of them grouped together pretty tightly and looks more like one large one. That one being about 4 mm long by about 1 or 2 mm wide. The single bumps are 1 to 2 mm in diameter with a red ring around it.

I have two each of these pustules on my other hand, and on each foot. Cortisone cream seems to help with the itching, but that isn’t a long term solution. @atomicspacebunny thanks for the links. I’m looking into the clay. I have been thinking this might be some kind of detox going on. But I’d always rolled my eyes when I would hear others talking about a “detox diet” or whatever. I like the way Dr Berg explained it.

Saved the picture for the end.

(Anne) #8

Have you been to a doctor? That could be scabies or some other parasite. You haven’t been around water fowl, is there a mangy dog in the neighborhood?

You really ought to get a professional opinion, though, since it’s impacting your quality of life.


I agree with Jbird71. This looks like dyshidrotic eczema…


This looks like an allergic reaction. Could be to something you touches rther than something you ate.

(Consensus is Politics) #11

[edit: oops, I thought I created a new thread when I wrote this. Assumed those few replies to the OP were to me.]

I thought of scabies. But scabies leave a tunneling trail just under the skin. I do t see anything like that.
(I have a lens from an old microfiche reader that I use like a loop. If there was something there, even an ingrown hair, I’d be able to see it).

I suppose it could be contact dermatitis. Coincidentally I began to notice this the same time I began painting the house. I suppose I could be allergic to the paint. I’m painting the entire interior. On the last room now. Roughly 3,000 square foot house. Darn Keto giving me all this energy. Last year at this time I could barely walk up the stairs, and would get winded from it. Now I’m happily painting walls, doors, and trim.

And I am considering going in to have it looked at. Will probably do so tomorrow. My schedule lined up perfectly for that.

(Bunny) #12

Just out of curiosity what kind of soap or laundry detergent do you use?

See also:

  1. Intestinal Microbiota Composition Modulates Choline Bioavailability from Diet and Accumulation of the Proatherogenic Metabolite Trimethylamine-N-Oxide
  1. What Is Choline? Benefits, Sources & Signs of Choline Deficiency
  1. CHOLINE Linus Pauling Institute
  1. LACK OF CHOLINE = KETO RASH: ”…Your intestinal flora (friendly bacteria) have a lot to do with absorbing choline so if there is an inbalance you may not even absorb choline. Choline works closely with purified bile salts to break down fats. …” …More

(Consensus is Politics) #13

NOthing hasn’t changed in a very long time as far as soaps etc. I might try changing things up a bit and see what happens. I did stop using dryer sheets a few years ago. They didn’t bother me, but I was shocked to find out what chemicals they were using on them. All of them fairly toxic, even in low levels. Was giving some people contact dermatitis from it. I looked at it as a way to save money by not getting them anymore.

(Consensus is Politics) #14

I’ll also try to vary my diet up a bit. I could probably use more gut floral. Add some veggies and greens back in. I think my DM can handle the slight increase in carbs now. My predicted A1C is currently 5.0, can’t wait to see the look on my Endocrinologist in my next appointment. :sunglasses: