Itching ! Itching ! Itching!

(Caron Chandler Loveless) #1

Hi Keto people- my first comment. Listening to the podcasts & learning a lot. Thanks guys for the great stuff. I have not yet gone totally keto but have started itching terribly. I read about a Keto Rash but I don’t think this is it because I still eat carbs at the moment. I was worried it was actually the carbs causing the problem. One day I had intense burning for about 10 mins under the skin of my forearms then crazy itching for about and hr. After that / Ever since then it’s been random itching every where - very discouraging. I was thinking it was too much red meat ! That the majority of the protein I eat - any other thoughts would be welcome .

(Andrew) #2

I think that means more Bourbon time…

(Caron Chandler Loveless) #3

I’d be open if it worked

(Andrew) #4

Just a little DT humor


When I first began, I itched too. I think it might have been from the red dye in the Powerade Zero I consumed. I really don’t know for sure. So maybe something you’ve ingested that might have something similar to the red dye? Doubt it’s the meat unless you’ve never consumed it before and are allergic to meat.

(Consensus is Politics) #6


(Andrew) #7

It could be healing. That always itches eventually. Crazy symptom though.

(Sheri Knauer) #8

Are you losing weight? It could be stuff (toxins, hormones, candida, etc.) that is stored in fat being released and causing your itching.

(A Tabitha Ann Swanks) #9

Oh girl me too! Glad to see this. Thought I was losing my mind. I’m on day 10. I keep my carbs under 20g. I religiously watch labels, forums, and Google nutrition facts. But I’ve been itching like crazy for about 2 days. Any info would be appreciated.

(Bunny) #10

May need a little more carbs could be temporary?

Choline is the Vitamin for a Fatty Liver & Can Prevent Keto Rash Dr. Berg talks about keto rash and a fatty liver. You can also get a rash (keto rash) from autophagy, a conditon whereby the body is recycling old damaged proteins and cleaning up microbes in the body - a type of detox. But when the liver is fatty it loses the capasity to detox, clean the body and things can back up. Choline, one of the B-vitamins can help prevent a fatty liver. Choline is high in egg yolk, beef liver, and cruciferous vegetables. Your intestinal flora (friendly bacteria) have a lot to do with absorbing choline so if there is an inbalance you may not even absorb choline. Choline works closely with purified bile salts to break down fats.



(A Tabitha Ann Swanks) #11

Thanks for the info. I don’t have any visual symptoms and it’s starting to go away. And I weighed again today. I’ve lost 11 pounds in less than 12 days! Woo hoo! I think I’ll just
Keep itch and keto on. :slight_smile:

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #12

When I first went keto light <50g 3 years ago I got hives I think from toxins being released from my first 20lbs. Now kite full <20g I get one hive now and then but not often. KCKO. I hope your itch goes away soon.

(Bunny) #13


(Kim Cole) #14

I have the kero rash on my back 1 month in so I’m having a quarter cup of berries daily which has helped a lot of people also Apple cider vinegar on the itchy spots works too also taking this on a daily basis can help I’ll let you know how mine goes :smile:

(Jesse Schuerman) #15

Ha, I’ve been mostly Keto for nearly a year and I just started Itching and its not due to the sweat described below in the Diet Doctors article. I shower after every exercise session. Whats funny about your comment is in the last 2 weeks decided to put a hold on my whisky and alcohol consumption. I’m thinking that glass a bourbon might fix it?!

(Consensus is Politics) #16

For medicinal purposes of course. :sunglasses: