Unusual feeling in my bowels

(Natasha) #1

I’m a little over 6 weeks into keto and just this last few days I’ve started to have such an odd feeling in my stomach and bowels, like they are swimming slightly. I am not particularly craving carbs or heavier food but physically feel like I need to eat something ‘starchier’ just to add bulk to stop my bowels feeling this way.

Does anyone have suggestions for something keto-friendly that might fit the bill?

(Blessed with butter ) #2

Natash I am too at 6 weeks and I have the growling tummy and bowel I am actually not going as much as usual, I feel kind of bloated at times. I am glad you asked this question cause I was girl enough!

(Natasha) #3

Oh, thank you for replying. I wonder whether there is actually something happening around the 6 week mark then? It’s such a strange feeling, hard to describe, sort of bloated as you say but also a kind of sloshy sensation happening!

(Blessed with butter ) #4

Natasha, I found that when I ate too much meat one night I was miserable, felt like I would puke at any second. It was a matter of one small sausage patti. I will not do that again.

where do you live?
I am in Portland Oregon.
What date did you start? I started August 11th

(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #5

It depends on what you are eating. If you use vegetable oils, switch to avocado, coconut, or olive oil, or better yet, cook with butter, lard, tallow, or bacon grease.

Don’t eat so much that you become miserable. If you find yourself losing interest in eating, stop! That’s satiety kicking in. If the mere thought of food gives you a sort of queasy sensation, don’t eat—wait till you are hungry again. Eat to hunger, not to the clock. Make sure you are getting enough salt, and drink to thirst.

I used to swing between constipation and diarrhea when I was a sugar-burner; my bowel has never been better-behaved in my life than since I went keto. I have to say, however, that the pattern of bowel movements is very different now. For one thing, it doesn’t move every day, and some days it moves several times. This can be disconcerting to people who expect their bowel to move once a day at the same time every day, but it’s perfectly normal.

(Natasha) #6

Hi Judy,

I am in the UK. I started on 9th August, so we are just within a couple of days of each other. I’m feeling a little better today, I’ve scaled back some on the dairy and slightly upped my protein to see it that makes a difference. How are you feeling today?

(Natasha) #7

Thank you, Paul. I hadn’t even considered that the queasy feeling could be down to satiety. Before keto I never experienced anything other than wanting to eat all the time!

(Blessed with butter ) #8

How exciting I have never met anyone from the UK.
I am well woke up had some keto coffee mine is 2T butter some mct oil and heavy cream.

I work today I have two offices, and went to the wrong one! LOL good thing I left early, I

am off at noon and planing on eating some leftover chicken Parmesan!

How about you. Would you want to keep in touch and see how we do?

I think it would be fun!


(Heather~KWOL for life!) #9

Just wanted to add an evidenced based thought, when you have reached satiety you will actually no longer taste your food until you are hungry and eat again. That’s the way of the brain signaling that your body is satiated. Sometimes it is difficult to notice because of years of ignoring it (personally). I have felt the feeling you are describing, I am in week four. I feel like it’s because my body is purging fat, and fats float (w/out being to graphic :joy:)…some days more than others, but our bodies are becoming more efficient at producing waste. Just my thoughts :grinning:


Sounds like you two might do well doing this together. :slight_smile: But you will find a lot of supportive people on this forum, and just reading all the post can be not only inspiring, but informative.

I think a lot of folks might go through these changes, experiencing diarrhea at times, and constipation at others. (And I was no exception, but it wasn’t too bad really) I personally think it comes down to what you’re eating more than anything else. If you find you are feeling bloated and/or constipated, try making sure to add some fibrous foods, and vice versa. … Some have mentioned all the cheese that is consumed on Keto, gives them issues, but I don’t think it bothers me much, unless I really over do it, which would take a lot.

Good luck to you both, and remember if you do ever want to look for possible ideas of meals, I find the ‘What did you Keto today’ to be inspiring and gives you a lot of choices and idea builders!

(Natasha) #11

Good to hear you were feeling better yesterday too! Yes, let’s keep in touch, it will be great to compare notes/experiences. I have set myself a goal of losing 100lb. I am weighing only once a month now to avoid any disappointments and try to focus more on how I’m feeling than the scale; although the reason I started keto was weight loss, now I see it as a permanent way of life and am so thrilled with how great I am feeling (minus some bowel issues!) that I wouldn’t want to stop even if weight loss is slow.

Have a great weekend!

(Natasha) #12

Heather, that is fascinating. I have never heard of this before, definitely never experienced it! Thank you for sharing. I am amazed at the freedom (from being so food driven/addicted) I feel on keto. So many years of beating myself up for ‘having no self-control’ when it comes to food and now to be experiencing this is just awesome!

Yes!!! That is just what it feels like, fatty and floaty!

(Natasha) #13

Thanks for your thoughtful reply, Dave. I have a feeling that if I consume too much dairy (HWC as well as cheese!) that something just flips a little out of balance. Thanks for the link to the recipes, yum!


That’s something I read on here quite a bit too. For some reason, dairy can give some folks issues, while others don’t seem to have any problems with it. … Only way to know for sure is to experiment some, and see how it effects you. But yes, the recipe thread can be quite useful.

(Heather~KWOL for life!) #15

I learned that in college in nursing studies, just one of those things that stuck in my head because it blew my mind lol

(Blessed with butter ) #16

Thank you @PaulL