Ugh! Can’t get back into ketosis!

(Bunny) #5

.01 and your fasting? That’s going to go up (e.g. 3.0) and down (e.g. .03) all day long, but that’s still ketosis, if it’s always low then you might be truly fat adapted and not realize it, you may never see high numbers again on a blood ketone meter which is good because your using the ketones more efficiently for energy and you won’t necessarily see all of them with a blood ketone meter either because they are being burned up for energy before they are detected (not floating around in the blood), and it looks like you may have been doing this a long time from your description and if true; at this point pee sticks will be useless at detecting ketones, you could test negative with the sticks one minute and then purple the next, then no purple, then pink…will drive you crazy!

(Erin ) #6


Well I thought to be in fat burning mode you needed to be showing ketones of 1.5-3 ? So you’re saying if I’m showing .01 that my body is just using them up?

I’m not crashing. I don’t feel bad or tired, I mean not more than usual. I work until 7am so it’s kind of hard to tell if I’m crashing or not lol.

I pretty much fast every day. I don’t eat until around 4pm at the earliest every day. The days I work I won’t eat until around 8 the next day if not later.

I usually only eat macadamia nuts but yesterday I ate some mixed I noticed have a little more carbs than normal.

(Erin ) #7

LOL it does drive me crazy!!!

If I were in ketosis though wouldn’t I be burning this fat??? I need to lose 10-15lbs!!! I will go down a couple pounds and then if I eat more than the usual or eat after a fast it just goes back up the couple pounds.

(Ken) #8

You’re fine. Yes, your body is just using them. Don’t chase ketone numbers, they’re just a secondary energy pathway of Lipolysis.

(Erin ) #9

If I do a water fast how long should I do it for?

Today I worked out which I haven’t done in a while so maybe that will shock my body a little. Usually when I work out the numbers go up on the scale, I’m assuming from water weight

(Erin ) #10

Ok so how do I lose the weight then, if I am fat adapted and it’s not budging?

(Erin ) #11

Do I need to eat more calories?? If I am only eating around 1000 would that stop me from loosing weight?

(Ken) #12

Increase protein to 35 percent, drop fat to 60 percent. Eat OMAD, and make sure you’re hungry when you eat. If you think you may be having metabolic issues, consider eating some carbs on the weekends. If you want to exercise a little, try taking a 30 minute walk every day or two.


You’ve mentioned weight a couple times, your total weight is a pretty much useless number, have you been tracking your lean body mass and body fat? if not, it might be time to get one of those home scales, they may not be accurate, but they will let you see relative changes. While in ketosis it’s real easy to build more lean body mass without really trying. I would bet your lean denser body mass is increasing and your fat is decreasing.


yes eat more calories, add them in fats. 1000 sounds way too low, possibly even below your bmr, that’s not a good place to hang out for long until your metabolism starts to make some changes.

(Bunny) #15

You might be burning dietary fat (1.5 etc.) in ketones (oxidized fats) also not just body fat!

See this post here:

(Erin ) #16

Yes thanks. I have a scale that measures everything. Body fat % stays the same.
I’m going to get a new one.

I think I’m going to switch up my fasting and start doing EF and on my off days try to get my calories higher

(Bunny) #17

Fasting: 4 types of Fasts and How Often to Do Each - Thomas DeLauer

7 Ways to Eat More Fats on the Keto Diet

(Running from stupidity) #18

No, you have a scale that spits out a number that pretends to be things. It measures your weight.

(L. C.) #19

Why is that? Dark purple 2 days ago, today so light pink (negative) I kept retesting/wasting strips- should I try a glucose meter? I have actually gained 5 lbs. In the last 12 days :thinking::upside_down_face:.

(Bunny) #20

5 pounds is probably fluctuations in water weight not actual body fat lost or gained?

I really like this statement (screen shot from video):

This is awesome information:

image source: 5 Ketosis Mistakes That Make You Fat
#1 Thinking Keto is a Low Carb Diet 0:52
#2 Eating too Many Hidden Carbs 3:12
#3 Dairy 5:13
#4 Eat as Much Keto Food Sources as Wanted 6:38
#5 Not Getting Enough Fat 7:55

See also:

  1. How much protein is excessive? How much protein is enough? - Dr. Jason Fung
  1. Autophagy: Intermittent fasting protein cycling (IFPC) - Naomi Whittel

(Running from stupidity) #21



It takes my body 1-3 days of fasting to return to my normal state of ketosis. Working out will lower my BG faster, but I never recorded a weight loss the following day. I don’t know why. I worked out occasionally for health reasons but it didn’t help me lose any of the 80 lbs that I eventually lost. It may have helped preserve muscle mass, I dunno.

I’m now focused on body composition, trying to gain muscle without a net change in weight. I’m doing resistance training, fasting less, eating more, but I haven’t figured it out yet. Its certainly a slower and more complicated process than losing weight was.

(Omar) #23

I doubt the ketone meter or strips

(Anne Brodie) #24

I’m sorry to hear about your loss. It has to have affected your hormones in addition to everything else.

Some people don’t register many ketones after being on keto for a while, but I do even being “fat-adapted.” When mine have gone down to almost nothing, so far has always been something I was eating, not eating, or doing. Extended fasting when already doing low calorie and low carb did not work for me at all. I also want to eat and live in a way I can maintain over time. I am writing because there IS something that has done it every time for me.

I go back to the basics of bacon and other meat, eggs, and cheese. This includes being careful there are not carbs in the meat or cheese from added sugar or fillers (like often in sausage or on beef jerky). Making my own really helps in this. I make a huge batch of bacon, boil some eggs, and cut up cheese and I’m good to go at work. Using limited (maybe a teaspoon) of coconut oil in coffee for the MCTs and plenty of butter as desired on the food. At home I might have a burger patty or fried egg or similar that needs cooking and try to actually eat MORE up to around 1300-1500 calories. Not saying this is good or not over the long term, but within a couple of days my ketones raise and it makes me feel that things are working. That I am strong and stable and have a baseline from which to add and find out what else works for me. Even logically understanding the things that people say about not chasing ketones, this has made me feel better and is why I’m sharing.

No matter what your choices, I have the sense that you are a strong individual, will figure this out, and I hope you post so I can follow your success.