Trying to drink more water


Trying to increase my water intake. Has anyone used any water drops to flavor the water? If so what brand is a good one for keto? Thanks


Not water drops, but you could add some flavoured magnesium citrate and that way you’re also getting your magnesium supplement. Me personally I just add a little no sugar cordial sometimes.

(Running from stupidity) #3

Yeah, I do the same for my ketoade mix.

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #4

My magnesium is orange flavoured and it works quite well. I like the flavour. It’s not over powering.


Adding a bit of lemon juice to water (as in 1 tsp per 8 oz) is cleansing when taken in between meals, and I also like to salt the rim of my water glass for entertainment and extra tastiness.

I also make rosewater flavored water - same ratio, and orange blossom water too!

Snacking on sea salt and liberally using it with meals makes water tastier to me too.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #6

I’m making a pitcher of iced tea today to help with intake. I don’t have a problem with a bit of artificial sweetener, though.

(John) #7

I use 1/2 lemon or 1/2 lime squeezed into 2L of water for a lightly flavored alternative to just plain water. Though I also drink plain water.

(bulkbiker) #8

Any particular reason why?


When I’m not fasting or am really low on my carbs I will use a small squirt of Mio in my carbonated water. Doesn’t seem to derail me.

(Laurie) #10

I make up the following. It lasts a long time, so I don’t mind making it myself:

Dissolve 1 teaspoon powdered stevia in a cup of hot water. Allow to cool slightly.

Put one cup of Realemon (lemon juice) in a 1-liter squirt bottle. I use an old Realemon bottle.

Add the stevia/water mixture to the bottle. Fill the rest of the way with water.

Add a few drops of lemon essential oil if you have it. (You can also add a teaspoon of salt, or salt + potassium.)

Store in fridge. Add a squirt or two of this mix to each cup of drinking water.

EDIT: You can also make the same recipe using pure cranberry juice.

(Mother of Puppies ) #11

Right? I think Keto puts us more in touch with our bodies.

“Drink when thirsty” should be sufficient.


Funny you should say that. I was never one to be very thirsty pre-keto or even on keto. Before starting keto most days I would only have one glass of liquid a day. The only reason I drink more liquids now on keto (primarily water) is not because I’m thirsty but because that’s what we’re encouraged to do.

Reading up on the topic of the brain’s thirst signals I’ve read conflicting theories. One person says drinking when not thirsty can confuse the brain’s thirst signals, then another encourages drinking throughout the day even when not thirsty, because once you feel thirsty that means you’re already dehydrated.

(Mother of Puppies ) #13

I add sodium and potassium to my water, so that’s my baseline, a 20 oz cup. That sometimes helps me recognize thirst