Total Newbie

(Annalee Haley) #21

I didn’t feel great until I was fully fat adapted. That can take a while. I also felt much better after using the fasting drink in one of Thomas DeLauer’s videos. Recipe: 10 oz water, 1/2 tsp pink salt, 1/2 tsp cream of tartar, 2 TBSP apple cider vinegar, and juice of one lime. He recommends a few times a week if I remember correctly.


I’m right there with you. But I’m only a week in. Woke up to watch my wife and daughter eat toast. Then watched them eat samples from Costco when shopping. Even had to hold a sample of potatoe chips for my toddler. Just remember we maybe on an island but when we push through to get adaptive and all the benefits. Those carb eaters will be on the island and asking us how to join us.

(Vincent Hall) #23

Welcome Darren,
There’s a UK section just opened on here for us British folk.
If ever you need a hand fighting the carb addicts who are trying to pimp there wares into you just pop on here for support.
It’s very common to have family especially that just don’t understand how brain washed they are into eating so much poor quality food every day.
KCKO as we say.
My response now is I do not enjoy sugar laden food, I do enjoy single ingredient natural food. It’s my choice please respect it as Im respecting your choices.
By the way, in your line of work can you decipher blood test results? I’m a little confused about my last lot regarding cholesterol.
Maybe a PM conversation to be had there?

(Hala) #24

It’s a small summary abt my current life !!!

(Candy Lind) #25

Sorry I’m late to the party! :balloon: :confetti_ball: :tada: AND … I’m going to have to start apologizing like @Robert_Johnson for my long-winded posts! :blush:

So, my observations after reading:

You’re just starting out. EAT MORE. Eat until you are FULL. At first that may be huge meals, but it will get your “satiety switch” working again, AND it will turn the carb crave switch OFF. Your brain may still give you grief when it doesn’t get its sugar crack, but you can ignore that when the body says “I’m full!”

Take a look at your salt in whatever tracker you are using. For at least a while, measure the salt in your water, on your food, etc.; track it all. Aim for 5 grams a day (5000mg). It seems like a lot, but your keto flu will go away and you’ll get to where you know when you are running short.

There you go! :wink:

You know that saying “you can’t soar with eagles when you’re surrounded by turkeys” - don’t let the ignorant masses get you down. :muscle:t2:

(Consensus is Politics) #26

They call me Mr Verbose. :wink:

(Brad) #27

All the negative encounters disappear when you stumble across someone who is also secretly keto. My wife has been so supportive but I know she has been skeptical. Her brother and his wife recently visited and turns out she is keto and her brother is just starting. And her other sister and her husband are eating paleo. My wife is now on her first week of keto.

Just ignore the haters but at the same time be open to the possibility of great encounters and maybe even changing someone’s life.

(Consensus is Politics) #28

For instance, in my own life…

My Mom trusts me. If I were to tell her that jackalopes were a real animal, and showed her the trophy pictures of them hanging on people’s walls, she’d believe me. So when I told her what I was doing to reverse my T2DM she was thrilled and wanted to hear all about it. Once I began explaining the diet was called Ketogenic, she stopped me. “You’re cousin Leah is doing that same thing!” Which blew me away. I was unaware of anyone else I personally knew, let alone a close relative, had taken control of their health like this. I haven’t connected back with her yet, but I need to. She has large family of her own, and I’m very interested in hearing how she is doing on Keto, and how all the kids are doing :cowboy_hat_face:.

(Darran Rees) #29

Thank you Candy for joining the party! I am soaking up all this advice like a sponge and loving it. :slight_smile:

I also love that saying “you can’t soar with eagles when you’re surrounded by turkeys” , it made me chuckle!

(Darran Rees) #30

That’s great Bob that people around you are supporting you. That’s half the battle. It’s a great feeling when someone shows an actual keen interest in keto when you tell them about it. I hope your T2DM reversal is going really well :slight_smile:

(Darran Rees) #31

I tried this drink yesterday and it really kept me energised. In fact I fasted well beyond my usual fasting limits and finally ate around 4pm, but that was only because I felt I should eat something rather than feeling true hunger!

(Consensus is Politics) #32

Thank you, and I’m well on the road to recovery. The only thing that keeps me from using the word “ cured” is that if I went back to eating carbs, I be back in that boat on the river Styx. Ain’t gonna happen!

I’m just fine now after reducing my HBa1c from 11.8% down to 5.8% in 4 months time. And that was two months ago! By now it’s got to be 4.8% or lower! (Based on my avg daily BG reading of mid 80’s after my one meal each day)

(Darran Rees) #33

wow to reduce from 11.8% down tom 5.8% is awesome and shows you’re on the road to cure for sure! 5.6% ( or < 38mmol/L) Is the cut-off in the UK so you should be there by now since your last blood test! :slight_smile:

(Candy Lind) #34

Dr Sarah Hallberg says it’s “resolved” - she also doesn’t call it “cured” because of the “river Styx effect.” :smiling_imp:

(Annalee Haley) #35

I am glad this helped. I am a believer in it. I haven’t used it daily as it is high in potassium. I plan on using it daily before my next labs are drawn so I can gauge if the potassium is too much for me. I truly miss it on days I skip it!