Too many subforums

(Connor L) #12

Part of what is cool about this forum is that there isn’t much point to browsing it as a whole. It is meant to be searched and filtered. Which is why the specific nature of the subforums is so useful. But, if anything is to be changed, I’d recommend keeping broad strokes categories, and then be able to assign tags to posts and be able to sort in the categories by those tags. And, have the tags controlled so you couldn’t have a billion of them… I dunno, just spit-balling.

(LongHaulKeto) #13

A next button would be a great help. I’m finding it confusing to read the posts here…

(Guardian of the bacon) #14

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(Cheryl Meyers) #15

I agree with ConnerL – I like to choose what post to read, not be fed one after the other no matter whether I am interested in the topic or not.
Those keyboard shortcuts are great, thanks Richard!


The philosophy of this software is Flat navigation, no next button.

Try this…with your keyboard, don’t touch the mouse…

g n
j (repeat until a topic you want to read)
j (repeat to read through messages)

if you want to reply to a message you are on

r (or q to quote it)
… type your message
tab enter

Continue with j to keep reading.

Once done in that topic…

g n

j (you get the idea)

Same steps to read/reply to your unread (stuff you track) just start with

g u

I changed my preferences to mute the topics I’m not interested in, and also always show topics I haven’t visited as new so I can control which show up. Once I’ve read all the topics I’m interested in I use

x r

which marks them all as viewed.

Perhaps I should do a YouTube video on how to navigate this forum.


Great idea. My video abilities are limited to what is seen on the screen. We have a wish list of video tutorials if you’d like to join in.

(Human) #18

I’m finding it too fragmented. Surely Exercise is all Exercise? If there’s going to be sub forums for Beginning, Cycling, Weightlifting where do we stop? Running, Swimming, Walking… It’s all exercise. What if someone has an injury question and they cycle and lift? They might miss advice from someone because they only scan one of the sub forums.

I can understand the sub topics in health being relevant, that makes sense. But under Food, many could be grouped under Macros.

Anyway, just my thoughts. I’m enjoying joining in but the occasional threads I’ve started, I’ve been in a quandary as to where to put it.


I’m not finding it fragmented at all. There are categories, with sub categories. I can bring up a menu of categories, filter for “latest replies”, “new”, “unread” and so on. I find it terrific and intuitive.

We can also link posts from other categories…BONUS feature. Even move threads to other discussion.

Search function works great. When you start new discussion, system shows you if there exists another similar post (limits potential redundancy).

Freaking brilliant!!! I love it. :heart_eyes:


While I don’t find the forum fragmented, and possibly too early to tell, here is my humble recommendation to @carl and @richard

Perhaps consider mind mapping a framework. I do this sort of stuff for a living. If you want, I can do a virtual workshop, and help you and team of administrators to mind map the framework, free of charge of course. Here’s an example below:

(Human) #21

I’m just struggling to understand the purpose or benefit of all the sub topics.

From a posting perspective, if I wanted to post about metabolism of protein in meat, would I put that under Protein or under Meat? Or Science? The topic list has been spread so thinly that nothing now belongs in only one section.

And from a finding perspective, the search function is now essential for anyone hoping to stand a chance of finding anything because you’re not going to find something specific by looking in one particular sub topic. By having so many sections people either risk missing things that may be relevant to them or have to go in and out of lots of bits to get to them. Just seems really messy to me.


well, I would place it under Protein, as the description refers to the nutrition of protein. the meat category refers to cuts of meat, cooking tips, etc. the descriptions of these categories are provided to help guide us. I just now did a quick check and it took less than a minute to get that info.

On the point of search function and reducing categories (per your suggestion), if you are finding it hard to search today because you get too many hits, how then will reducing categories help you?

(mwall) #24

Anybody doing that “completely” deserves kudos or has serious time to commit! I start this way but rarely get through many because I use the “tracker” feature and find myself loaded down with follow ups with topics already marked as of interest to me. If the admins are going through every single new item ad infinitum I say you guys get a prize!!! :yellow_heart:

(mwall) #25

I’m sure this is the bomb diggety but it reminds me of Joseph, Saint of the Perplexed. :yellow_heart:

(mwall) #26

HEY!! I’ve observed the work of the development and organization. It is a work in progress of both science and art. Thus far, BRAVO!! And thanks to those willing to take time to record feedback! It’s fun watching the transformation. :wink:

(Joel Dinis) #27

I thought I would just give my opinion too since… well… I can.

I agree that Facebook was getting confusing and sometimes overwhelming. In fact I had stopped visiting as regular as I would have liked for that reason.
But the Facebook was also mobile friendly, and though I consider myself quite techy, it has been a long time since I used a computer or laptop at home. Instead I use my mobile device, anywhere, everywhere.

I first found Keto via Reddit. It was actually Keto that made me get used to how Reddit works and now I use it daily more than any other social network or forum combined. I discovered Facebook group was via Keto Ninjas FB group whic I had found via the podcast. 2KD FB group while small was fun to visit and keep up. Then not so much.
So I completely understand the need to move away from it and the need to get information organized. I too got OCD throughout the years.

Now the forum… I don’t find it mobile friendly. Maybe it is considered to be so… but I don’t naturally gravitate towards it when I am browsing my phone. Even if I added the bookmark right on my homescreen.

It’s not my place to make decision on this particular one and I thank Cark and Richard for all the work and motivation have given through the whole of last year.

I think the error (perhaps error is a strong word) was to create a group rather than a page. Group are intimate and I believe both Carl and Richard did not thing the podcast would have catapulted like it did.
Forum is a great if we know what to search, if we want to read articles and just browse the different articles FB Page is good enough.

Though being a fan of Reddit, I would say why not a subreddit, which is naturally selective, and the have a blog/forum like this one compiling all the info folks might want to search, share or direct to. But moving people to a different platform is always tricky.

The decision has been made. It doesn’t take away any of the work already done and perhaps we should all just get used to it. I just fear it might lose some of the appeal.


On a good day, I get some of “my” categories read. If I skip a day though… ugh! The first couple of weeks I actually could read eveything.


[quote=“JoeFromMars, post:27, topic:2011”]
Now the forum… I don’t find it mobile friendly. Maybe it is considered to be so… but I don’t naturally gravitate towards it when I am browsing my phone. Even if I added the bookmark right on my homescreen.[/quote]

I read and participate on this forum on my iPad and android phone. I think it is very mobile friendly.

Sub reddit forum would not have the same higher control to discourage/eradicate trollers, make user interface changes, add gamefacation features, gaining “trust” levels, and so on. Personally, I’m not a fan of reddit. I go there when it pops up as a google search suggestion. The layout is horrible.

(mwall) #30

Well of course! Those were the good old days. The average fb user has
little idea about just how much is missed in both the recent and popular
algorithms and in a forum you see precisely. Staying “caught up” can
actually be a counter productive concept if it sways attitude over common
sense. Hats off to you all!

(Richard Morris) #31

It’s more that we’re building this out as we see the need for sub-categories. The category roster has grown organically as we’ve seen the type of data that our users are creating.

Some of the categories I think may end up becoming tags. The exercise section which is currently 3 sub-categories (and probably 5 more categories which have not yet been created - but have been requested) it may end up becoming one category with topics that can have one or more tags like a topic with “Lifting” and “Comp_Prep” and “Basement_Gym”


My library blocks all of Reddit. Every time I try to click through a link I get the “BLOCKED” message. So annoying.