Time to kick it up a notch

(Paul H) #1

So I have been doing keto for about 4 months… Dropped my A1c from 9.5 to 6.9…I beat my goal of 7.0. Changed my cupboards and learned about more Keto foods. I am excited as I have just ordered a KetoMojo and should have it in a couple days. I already test my BG regularly. I am planning on starting to dial down my Carbs even more along with adding Fasting to mix things up. Might even try Carnivore. I am setting a rather high goal of 20 lbs before my next Dr appt. on August 13th… I am sure some will be water weight so it is more than the 1-2 lbs per week. To this point I have only focused on learning and BS. Now I am adding fat loss to the plan. This won’t be easy as I am not good about counting micros and macros, weighing foods, etc. I also still drink alcohol with coke zero. I am considering starting an Accountability thread to put some pressure on. I don’t own a scale…should I get one and which one? In all reality other than T2D, poor sleeping, and being overweight my bloodwork is great and I am relatively healthy. Any critical suggestions and comments much appreciated.


Starting an Accountability thread could be useful, as some do find it nice to be able to track and such. And 20 lbs. of loss is not unreasonable, just make sure you don’t set goals that cause you to feel you somehow failed either. :slight_smile: … I don’t personally think this is helpful to those that let that stuff bother them, but just make sure you enjoy the successes you do achieve. … It’s been a while since I read up on all the stuff about being Keto, but if I’m not mistaken, they say the average loss for women is I think, 1.5 lbs. weekly? And Men can be 2.5-3.0… But don’t quote me on that. :slight_smile: But I’m sure if I am wrong, some of the good folks here can correct me. - Either way, just enjoy this WOE/WOL for what it does for you, and don’t sweat it too much. Just switching over from a SAD is the best thing you can do for yourself overall and help you get healthier every day. :+1:

(Randy) #3

If you’re serious, kick the alcohol to the curb. It can be had by healthy people in small amount (IMO) but is terrible for those with T2D because of it’s effects on the liver regarding insulin resistance.

(hottie turned hag) #4

I would, no harm and may get fab results. It’s an easy way to see which food “bothers” you if you go straight meat for say, 30 days then reintroduce stuff one thing at a time. I did it for past few months to break a stall and it worked great, also had a few unexpected odd benefits.

I never counted/do not count ANYthing and still lost 60+lbs

This may mess you up; I am a lifelong teetotaler so cannot cite personal experience but have read aplenty on here wherein this causes stall issues. Alcohol’s end metabolite is glucose after all. As to the Coke, artificial sweeteners are an issue for some folks (cause cravings, cause insulin spike) and not others so I’d remove both then reintroduce one at a time to see if either or both are problematic in your case.

I’m a postmenopausal female so my experience not so relatable to you being male but as a sedentary old crone who is short and small framed as well I am a hard case as to losing weight yet I did, and with ease, while not weighing (didn’t weigh until several months in) not counting, nor tracking nor measuring.

Not implying you shouldn’t, just saying it can be done with minimal effort! :grin:

Some cute and meat to give you encouragement: :hedgehog::penguin::cut_of_meat::poultry_leg:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #5

This could get in the way of achieving your goal. Alcohol spirits are carb free, but processing alcohol slows down or maybe halts temporarily the production of ketones by your liver. How much alcohol has a relationship with how long for your liver to clean up what your body perceives as a toxin. If you’re drinking diet soda during non meal times you’re also keeping your insulin up for extended hours. Not the best thing by any way of looking at it for a diabetic. I think diabetes should be your number 1 focus and not weight loss. Getting the diabetes under control will be a huge factor in the weight loss equation.

I like this thread and think it’s worth a read.


(John) #6

Absolutely agree with this. If it helps, cut back to 2 days a week first. Take notice of how you feel the next day, which may provide some useful negative feedback to help you quit entirely.

I feel much better when I don’t drink, and it is completely empty calories that your body will metabolize first, shutting down fat burning and even glucose burning until the alcohol is used up.


Agree with this on all levels. :+1: Meaning the one personal rule I placed on myself for me being Keto, is to simply not take in any carbs between meals. (No snacks, including liquids) So this includes drinks which are just as easy to overlook, opposed to eating. So I won’t drink anything like Almond Milk, Milk, Bai drinks, etc. except with a meal. Which not only makes it part of said meal, but will not spike insulin between meals. I think this is one of the most useful things overall & been my practice since starting.

(Paul H) #8

Good… I actually think I am ready to do better but, seemed reasonable. I think I will do an Accountability thread… I have zero family, long ago divorced, no kids and not even a gf atm so it’s only logical to take advantage of y’all people… Sorry but, Thanks!

I agree with all of you commenting on this issue. Fortunately I don’t drink any other soda or artificial sweeteners during the day. This will be key to my success. I am not a raging drinker but, yes a plan to cut it as JohnH suggests might be in order.

Fortunately trying not to spike my insulin has been the plan from the beginning so snacking and even small carb items will be eliminated. So should I get a weight scale and any suggestions? I know my patience was being stretched waiting to take my A1c with only my BS meter tests as satisfaction. I have a feeling a scale would be good for accountability as well.

Thank you all!


That’s really a question only you can honestly answer? … Maybe think of the pro’s and con’s and go from there? What will be it’s use, is it needed? … For instance, some folks have issues with them since they put too much emphasis on the number that little device provides. So if you are affected by this, & don’t want to add any additional pressures, worries, etc., maybe abstain altogether and let you body, clothing and overall health let you know just how well you’re doing. :slight_smile:

But If that little group of digits you see doesn’t bother you, but can be used as a guide or tracking, then sure go ahead and get one. Some find seeing a positive number when weighing in to be motivational & encouraging which is always a plus. - (For me, I simply weigh every Sunday morning, just for record keeping) But I don’t let the number dictate my actions or mood, but simply record the data & move on.

And if you do decide get one, you then have to decide how often you will check your weight? Daily, or multiple times daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc.? … Personally I like the weekly, because weight can fluctuate so much day to day, or ever hourly. (especially water weight) And this is magnified most times during Fasting, which you also mentioned. But again, there are some who enjoy this, and love tracking their numbers. It’s just not something for me, since it doesn’t hold that much bearing overall in my choices as to living this way. But you may be different? :slight_smile: Either way, if you have one, nothing says you actually have to use it. Some even say they put theirs away, to help them not weigh… But I think this is part of what I mentioned about some folks letting those numbers bother them too much. And yes, stress is never good, even much more-so for someone looking for weight loss since it can indeed affect it.

(Paul H) #10

Thanks Dave. Many good points! I like the not worrying about a daily weigh in… I do think I will get one. Just another tool… Amazon here I come…

(Jane) #11

Your KetoMojo will be helpful to see the effects of alcohol the following day if you wish to continue to drink it.

You can use a cheap tape measure instead of investing in a scale. Or look at the reviews online and pick a decent digital one. Or both! It’s surprising when sometimes you lose pounds but not inches and vice versus.

Don’t bother with one that registers body fat - notorious for being inaccurate. Tanita brands used to be good but I haven’t bought one in a while.

(Paul H) #12

Thanks Jane! Good stuff… That scales with added features I had heard of interested me… but I don’t need anything unreliable. Yes good idea I will get a tape… another tool for the task.

(John) #13

Some people prefer not to weigh themselves. I weigh every day at the same time every morning, but only record the Monday morning weigh-ins as my “official” weight. I find it motivational and something to help me stay on track and keep me from drifting.

I know one difference between when I was gaining weight and now, is that I didn’t weigh myself on the way up. I guess it was easier for me to be in denial if I didn’t have to see the numbers.

You have to do what works for you. It is all a mental game, so use whatever tricks and techniques keep your mind in it and on track.

I just use an old scale with a rotating needle. It is not precise, but as far as I can tell is accurate, based on comparing it against fancier scales and getting consistent readings.

(Natasha) #14

My 1 year keto anniversary is 9th August. As of my May weigh-in I had 25lb more to lose to make it 100lb in a year. I was also thinking about kicking it up a notch to achieve it. I only weigh once a month (next due to weigh on 20th June) so it’ll be interesting to see what’s happened and whether I need to adjust anything else. I’ll be watching you accountability thread with interest! Good luck :grinning: