Time to Give up Eating Bacon - Who's with me


(Tom Seest) #1

Apparently, all you bad people are eating too much bacon.

It’s time we all take one for the team and give up the vile substance known as bacon:

(Jacquelyn Graham) #2

Well, phooey on that. And I sense a bit of projection here. :wink:


I will be selling bacon at inflated prices out of the back of a panel van. I will play music like the ice cream man, so come running if you hear me.

(Charles Keezer ) #4

I will be hunting for and curing my own… I will sell for half the price of the markets! Lol

Considering selling wild game without a license is illegal… I will be excepting donations for it instead.

(Tracy Lee Gerrard) #5

Make mine crispy streaky bacon and I’ll come running at the bell :blush:

(Larry Lustig) #6

You get started. I’ll be along shortly.

(David) #7

I cooked 54 rashers in the oven last night.

Imagine the bacon nectar that it was swimming in after 30 minutes.

In fact, you don’t need to imagine. I forgot I took a picture.

:angel: heaven

Do yourself a favor, make oven bacon!

It’s just wrong for non-keto eaters of bacon to deplete our supply!

(David K) #9

I think Tom is just trying to make sure there is more Bacon for him.

(Tom Seest) #10

You are on to me…

(Patrick B.) #11

I wasn’t even aware bacon reserves exist… I keep having to go to the store…

(Stickin' with mammoth) #12

(Georgia) #13

You can have my bacon when you pry it out of my cold, dead hands.

(Guardian of the bacon) #14

Nope, I’m taking mine with me just in case there’s an afterlife.

(Alex Dipego) #15

This calls for beef bacon

(David) #16

If there IS an afterlife, it will be filled with the most succulent, tender, moist bacon, and an all-day bacon bar that keeps replenishing.

(Lard is Love) #17

Any quitters- feel free to send your bacon to me. :smiley:

(Guardian of the bacon) #18

People jump all over zero carb Jan or Dairy free Feb, Don’t see anybody jumping on the Bacon free wagon.

(Tom Seest) #19

I’m bacon free for now. Probably at least for 21 days. Maybe more.

(Guardian of the bacon) #20

You may have to forge this path alone. How are you feeling?