Things Heard or Seen

(Sophie) #1

Was doing my usual perusal of the veggies at our local Publix yesterday…I noticed a pile of these super sized avocados and I got a shivery tingle down my spine until I picked one up! WTF is this Abomination?!?!?!?! :scream: :confounded:

What have you heard or seen lately?

Avocado Light

I see these a lot since I live in Florida. People grow them in the back yard. It’s a different variety from the Haas avocado and marketed as SlimCado for the low fat shopper.

(Sophie) #3

It was totally new to me and I was shocked and bewildered! Why?! LOL


Yeah, they didn’t intentionally breed it to be low fat or something. They’ve been around forever as far as I know.
Ooooh look, there are a lot more types of avocado than I thought.

(Siobhan) #5

Mom bought one on accident before she said they are disgusting

(Sophie) #6

Last week at the Y, I was talking with a lady after class about diet (I Know I should stop that). I invited her to our standing lunch after class and she said she was trying to lose weight. I told her I had lost 50lbs and that always gets attention…

Her: What did you do?
Me: I lost it eating lo-carb
Her: You mean not eating carbs?
Me: Yeah, you have to aim for less than 20g per day
Her: Oh, I’m a carboholic!
Me: Yeah, me too. That’s why I had to quit! lol
Her: Well, I have low glucose. I have to eat carbs to keep my blood sugar up.

I just couldn’t go there, I couldn’t. I didn’t have the time or the energy. Honestly, it was all I could to to keep my eyes from rolling to the back of my head and a straight face.


Yeah, gotta wonder if she was measuring that low glucose, or she just felt low. I know you can feel hypoglycemic even when you technically aren’t when you measure it. And that’s when keto is the thing to break the downward spiral of more and more sugar.

(jketoscribe) #8

I agree. I hate the taste of these avocados. I’m very picky. I like the nutty flavor of Haas avocados. These smoothie skin giant avocados have a bland sweetness I find gross.

(Sophie) #9

I didn’t have to wonder really. I have an excellent nose for BS and I was picking up on that in a big way. That’s why I couldn’t go there. I’m no teacher so I don’t feel compelled to spread the science. But I do believe in research and if people what to know something, give them the tools, but I don’t spoonfeed info. It’s out there, go seek it.

(Siobhan) #10

Two of my coworkers tried to tell me that aspartame gives you cancer, and a diet coke is worse for you than a normal coke.
I told them to get back to me when they had actually read the studies, and better yet could tell me who funded them.

The ignorance is real.

(Side note: one of them later asked for info on keto, lol…)

(Dany Bolduc) #11

Upon mentioning to a co-worker that in the entire 200k years history of mankind, it is only since the last 1k (or so) that we consume grains, and it is only in the last 50 or so that carbs have become so prevalent in the diet and that we can see a direct correlation with obesity and cardiovascular disease rise.

His answer: it must not be that bad because our life expectancy keeps getting higher.

Me: And you attribute that rise in life expectancy to sugar consumption and not say… advances in medicine (when the last time you heard someone died of a toenail infection?) or the thousands of other factors involved in life expectancy calculations?

Him: Well it shows that it is a better diet than before.

Me: (face palm) I can’t argue with ‘this kind’ of logic….

(Sophie) #12

Amazing, isn’t it? When I was a kid, common sense used to be common. Now, it seems like the older, I get common sense has become rare. Perhaps the SAD is not only making people obese, it’s also making them stupider?

ETA: Yesterday at lunch with friends, I mentioned that I had been fasting since 7pm the night before. My dear friend said “that’s not good for you” to which I replied, “yes, it is good for you”. And that was it! She dropped it and changed the subject. She’s a good friend and I wish I had more like her, because I know one day she will totally accept how I eat.

(Sophie) #13

Had to make a Sam’s run this morning…These caught my eye… :heart_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue: Where the fuck is the drooly emote?

(Todd Allen) #14

Hypoglycemic episodes can be a sign of developing metabolic syndrome / prediabetes due to eating too much sugar. Long before full blown type 2 diabetes develops one becomes increasingly less able to handle large doses of sugar. As insulin resistance increases it takes longer and longer and higher and higher levels of insulin to bring blood sugar back down resulting in over correction and blood sugar crashes. High blood sugar does mostly silent damage while the crashes cause obnoxious symptoms (lethargy, headaches, intense food cravings, etc.) relieved for a little while by consuming more sugar followed by another crash and a need for more sugar.

(Sophie) #15

I totally get it. I believe the person I was referring to just uses “low glucose” as an excuse to continue her poor diet even though she may want to lose weight. Some people just aren’t ready for what they have to do or they simply don’t want to do it. As an aside, this same lady asked me last week if I could suggest some restaurants to her for an anniversary dinner. But, she wanted someplace that gave you a lot of food because “her son” eats a lot. :rolling_eyes:

(Crow T. Robot) #16

That reminds me of a buddy of mine who used to pull the “hypoglycemia” card all the time, usually to justify snacking on Hostess cakes, candy or some other sugary junk (he bought hook line and sinker the idea that it was fat that made you fat and sugar was no problem). He was in his early 30’s at the time and didn’t look too out of shape except for the bubble belly we now know is a sign of metabolic syndrome. Well, fast forward a couple of years and he suddenly loses a ton of weight and starts to look really healthy. I ask what he did and he said, “Nothing, isn’t it great!?” Well, as you might expect his doctor had a different diagnosis a few weeks later when he landed in the hospital with full-blown diabetes. Hopefully, your person has a better outcome.

(Sophie) #17

I stopped by the Food Lion this afternoon on my way home to pick up some Smithfield Lard, which someone in another thread recommended (and I’m sorry I don’t remember who it was or I’d give credit!). Anyway, at the checkout was a chatty guy…

Him: You’re only about the 2nd person that I’ve ever seen buy LARD!
Me, in my dead serious voice: It’s good for you.
