The starvation diet

(Bob M) #1

Seen in my doctor’s office:


(Jane) #2


(Stickin' with mammoth) #3

Four dice? Challenge accepted.


Deck of cards?

(Bob M) #5

Ha! Both of those are good!

I really, really hate the waiting room of a doctor’s office. They now all have some TV or other electronic device, telling you to watch your saturated fat, eat the Mediterranean diet, eat your 5 a day, let’s make this “healthy” breakfast with oats and brown sugar,…

And let’s not even get into the ads for drugs.


Probably so they can “help” you when you walk in next time looking like a vegan corpse. My 8yo eat’s more than that.

(Rebecca ) #7

This brings back memories (PTSD) from My many Weight Watcher Days😳

(Jane) #8

Ha! I thought the same thing when I saw “deck of cards” for the protein portion. They used to tell us, the size of the palm of your hand.

(Joey) #9

In that spirit, possible signage for dentist office: “Brush monthly. Floss kills. Rinse with Coke.”


ohhh that nastsy ol’ ‘deck of cards’ meat saying crap :scream::skull_and_crossbones:

every time I hear deck of cards I remember my days on Richard Simmons ‘card shuffle’ diet…omg what insanity! :frowning: yes, I did not last long on it LOL