The OldDoughouse

(Doug) #77

It’s all good, Charley. I had an infection in two vertebrae in 2007 - osteomyelitis - and while the pain was never constant (thank goodness) it was easy to step the wong way, go over a small bump while driving, etc., and WOW you talk about pain…

(Ellen) #78

Damn that looks pretty fine @Dipper_Actual ! What has Dr said about scoliosis? Didn’t realise you could develop it in later life.

(CharleyD) #79

Thanks :slight_smile: And there’s an adult idiopathic scoliosis that just happens.

(Ellen) #80

Well that sucks, hope you can find some way to mitigate or treat.

(CharleyD) #81

I’ll figure it out, thanks!

(Doug) #82

So as to lessen some thread drift:

WTF, Doug? That’s what my wife said to me the last time I fasted at home. Eating and drinking has always had an overly-large presence in our relationship, and I work away from home most of the time.

She’s quite the sugar addict and carbaholic, and she’ll have to come to ketogenic eating in her own time. She needs it, and knows it to an extent, but I can’t push much - I’ll readily go into the standard keto approach, the carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis, etc., and it’s “Doug, I’m not in the mood for a lecture today…”

In the back of her mind, though…

WTF, Doug? That’s what she said after my first serious go with keto and fasting, when she hugged me - her arms went so far around me.

(CharleyD) #83

After 2+ years in a home with sugar burners, Mrs Dipper now knows I won’t eat the sugar and on her own when we eat out vetoes carb-only places. She enjoys fatty treats I make like cheese crisps and such, but won’t make the plunge herself.

The main source of friction these days is when friends are over drinking, or when our boss and coworkers invite us all out. Been sober for almost 2 years now and it’s just not fun being around that crowd any more.

(Doug) #84

:smirk: It’s definitely different when one ain’t drinkin’…

(CharleyD) #85

I’ve found though, that since going keto and limiting my drinks to coffee and tea and water, that when we’re all out, I’ll indulge in some diet coke and it actually helps me be more sociable. How about that?

(CharleyD) #86

Maybe it’s just the Coca-Cola indoctrination being triggered, Have a Coke and a Smile™

(Little Miss Scare-All) #87

I had to butt in with a meme:

(Doug) #88

I’ve seen people not drinking alcohol pretty well stay with the mood, among those who are. Doesn’t always work, and doesn’t work at all with some other people, but perhaps things are a bit infectious?

(Running from stupidity) #89

If you don’t drink, and you don’t socialise, these things aren’t issues.


(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #90

Watching them all go somewhere else can be a bit unnerving, and lonely too, if there’s no one sober left to talk to.

(CharleyD) #91

Meh, my default state is being a hermit, I’m at my happiest by myself.

It’s already mentally draining to be around people! Sartre said it best, Hell is other people! Must’ve been an INTJ, too.

(Little Miss Scare-All) #92

I am a verified 100% INFJ according to the offical Myers-Briggs. Finding that out actually helped me a lot. I always thought there was something wrong with me, but it turns out I’m just legitimately weird! :rofl:

(Running from stupidity) #93

(Little Miss Scare-All) #94

I took their official test, and also 3 or 4 other non-officials, through the span of a number of years and I always came out INFJ. I researched extensively all the personlities and none fit like that.

I’d say same results over a long period, using multiple test platforms is accuracy rnough for me, homes.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #95

I don’t believe I’ve ever taken the actual inventory, only the “lite” Internet versions, but I come out pretty consistently the same type (INFP), even though the on-line tests are supposed to be much less accurate. But that’s probably because I’m a Cancer.

(Doug) #96

Bro. :slightly_smiling_face: