Test Breath Ketones without a Ketonix (using a cheap breathalyzer)



I’ve got the same problem. They were knowingly taking orders (and money) for products they didn’t have. I’m at a month now and probably canceling. Something seems fishy about their story, they’re registered “medical devices” which means there is all types of paperwork and pre-approval stuff done on the back end to get them into the country. Minus a random cargo search something is wrong with their whole story. Only problem I see with using a cheap breathalyzer is their not calibrated the same as a ketonix would be. I’d love to see the results of somebody with both though.

(roxanna) #69

I tested it with alcohol. Definitely not a dud :slight_smile:


Customs is often an unpredictable beast. I’ve seen things go through very quickly, and other things held up for months with no real explanation. Could be new policies, or could just be luck of the draw.

(Christopher John Howson) #71


(Christopher John Howson) #72

Iv read about this and jimmy Moore has done it on his show.

I wonder what the corr platoon is between breath “alcohol” and breath ketones?
I.e. Is 0.5 alc 1mmol ketones?


I’ve looked into this question of conversion. There’s many issues.

First is to know what the original measure is on the device. I’ve been using mg/L. It’s important because the Mmol conversion factor for alcohol is different to that of acetone. So if you start with the wrong interpreted value it will be wrong in the end.

Second is that there is no guarantee that acetone in the breath correlates with blood ketones at all. Seems it doesn’t. So you could only work out Mmol of breath ketones.

If run some figures on my device but they don’t really make sense yet and I’m refining the formulas. It would help if people posted their own data.

I can post my current calculations if their are any otherathematicians here wanting to solve the equations. My problem is that my result values are a factor of 10 different to the ketonix ranges. Given the ketonix just this year changed their units I’m also curious if perhaps it was the ketonix that was mistaken by a factor of 10. I’m still learning all this stuff.


Weird. Mine shows non zero values regularly. Assuming our devices are indeed the same that leaves basically one possibility: you aren’t in ketosis. I guess another possibility is that the devices look the same but actually aren’t.

If you don’t want yours you could send it to me and I’ll compare. I am thinking of buying a second one anyway to establish variability and quality of results.

(Roxanne) #75

Actually a second possibility is that your device is erroneously showing false positives :slight_smile: I’m not saying it is, and in fact I hope it’s not because I like the idea of a cheap gizmo to confirm ketosis. Do your results vary much, and have tested to see how it responds to alcohol?

(roxanna) #76

Yes, I could possibly not be in ketosis but like I said, I get 5 carbs a day (total), eating zero carb, have all the signs of ketosis - only thing that could be kicking me out I’d think is protein and I usually get about 130 grams a day. I’ll keep checking.


Stress, lack of sleep, and illness can also kick us out of ketosis.

My device consistently reports ketosis for me and not for my partner. I haven’t tested it with alcohol. I will tonight.

(roxanna) #78

I’m going to try to restrict my protein a bit to see what happens. I’ll go for 100 grams which I think is about .8 for my lbm. I just don’t know if I count the pork rinds protein?


I finally had a drink last night but forgot to use the meter. Ooops

(roxanna) #80

I cleaned my fitbit with rubbing alcohol and tested right after not realizing that would set it off :slight_smile:

(roxanna) #81

Never posted pics before so hope they aren’t huge. 2 days in with the protein restriction and nothing yet (except some weight loss but I fluctuate a lot). Giving it a few more days before I determine the breathalyzer isn’t working for my ketones!


Your protein goal seems way high. How did you come to it?

(roxanna) #83

No, the goals aren’t my actual goals. I’m aiming for ~100-110 which is .8 LBM. MFP for some reason changes the goals all the time to bizarre #s. Before, however, with the ZC I wasn’t paying attention to how much I was eating so I would eat minimum like 135 and sometimes a lot more. So far still blowing zeros!


My doctor cousin tells me the sensors break after 6 months of constant use.

But that doesn’t explain your meter working for alcohol and not for acetone. I’m stumped.

Is it possible you are in ketosis but with no acetone? How’s your breath?


I think they shift your macro’s around when you enter a new weight. It’s annoying

(Ben) #86

I’m now the proud owner of an AT6000 too!
I tried it on Sunday morning, but it showed a reading of zero. Not surprising, though, as I’d had a couple of beers on Thursday, Friday and Saturday as well as some Xylitol in a meringue recipe I tried out to use up some egg whites.
Today it’s reading 0.04, which is encouraging.
Moral of the story for me is to stay off the beer (or at least search out some low carb ones)


Okay, my meter has started behaving weirdly now. It occasionally reads 0. Now while it’s possible it means I’m not in ketosis during those times there is something else weird about it. When the meter reads 0 it takes absolutely no processing time. Normally the meter takes 1 second after the final beep before showing my results. Not so when it’s 0. It just immediately says “0”. So there’s a few of possibilities:

  1. The meter is working correctly and I’m blowing 0 acetone
  2. The meter’s sensor didn’t work and hence it just shows 0

So, I’m asking if anyone with the AT6000 has blown a zero then had the 1 second delay before the device reports a 0. This could help me determine which of the above it is.

It would seem unlikely that I am sometimes waking up out of ketosis but I guess it’s possible. My own sense of breath acetone tells me I’m still in ketosis but that could just be funky morning breath.