Tea vs coffee on carnivore

(Bob) #21

I just wanted to add that I used to be a pot per day drinker. I would start off with a couple cups of coffee in the morning, then pour the rest in a thermos and nurse that thing all day.

About 10 years ago I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. But in 2019 I decided to give up coffee and the condition went away. I have been off meds with no symptoms and a normal looking large colon for 4 solid years now.

I did switch to hot tea, and it does not bother me at all. Of course, I only have one tea bag, maybe two on the weekends, and thatā€™s it. Itā€™s no wear near the volume of coffee I had been drinking before.

(Myth Buster ) #22

I was wrongfuly accused and went to jail for 45 days, then released when I was proven innocent.

I quit tea and coffee during this time. I felt great and calm and my diverticulosis way better and less painfull.

What is tricky about coffee is just like any other drug, it makes us feel good and the response is very close time wise to the stimulus. But maybe people are different in how they react to coffee.


People are surely different regarding the effect of coffee, same for caffeine. One canā€™t be awake without coffee, some rare people canā€™t sleep without coffee :smiley: And people like me feel the same either way.
I find the taste funny, the coffee sometimes comforting, itā€™s a tasty (with cream) warm liquid and I like tasty warm liquidsā€¦ It doesnā€™t make me good though. Or more awake. Or less. And itā€™s often disappointing nowadays, I donā€™t feel I like coffee, I just get tempted too much. Sometimes it happens to some of us: we like the idea, the imagined feelingā€¦ And then we may get disappointed and we donā€™t necessarily learn from it - especially if sometimes it tastes so niceā€¦ Just not always.

Some people seem to be immune to caffeine, I mean they donā€™t notice anything, surely their body does something with it somehow so maybe itā€™s not nothing but they donā€™t feel it.
I only have this with coffee and tea, I do get stimulated by energy drinks and Coke and its all emulations, I rarely ever drank them but when it was the choice between sleeping on my bike in the motorway in summer (super boring and I learned to escape hot temperature through sleeping, horrible combo and I had not many options to fight it) and drinking the stuff just the 1-2 times I needed itā€¦

This immunity have disadvantages, I have little motivation not to drink coffee late at night (I usually stop around 7-8pm but 2am happened). The same with tea but I have no problem with that, itā€™s way more innocent than coffee (I donā€™t mean health wise, I donā€™t consider coffee particularly bad either, itā€™s my relationship with it. it costs money too. tea as well but not as much and it feels it is worth it more).

(Alex ) #24

I am bumping this topic!

Slightly off track responseā€¦ I am a hardened caffeine addict with a long history of drinking ridiculously strong coffee, and sugar-free energy energy drinks (Donā€™t judge me.)

Iā€™ve been dabbling with the carnivore diet over the last couple of months, I really like it, However, I have noticed that I have an increased sensitivity around caffeine when consuming it at the levels I was previously used to. So much so, I have been experiencing heart palpitations, chest pains, nausea, and similar. Iā€™ve been having these side-effects, usually within 30 minutes of finishing my drink.

I have since switched to Black tea, And had no such problems. I feel just as alert, but without all the awful side effects I was getting with lots of coffee.

I am approaching 50 years old, so maybe something has clicked in my body. Iā€™m hoping carnivore is healing my body though and maybe this is why Iā€™m super sensitive to high levels of caffeine now?

Either way, I think itā€™s going to be black tea for me moving forward.

(Doug) #25

Alex! Good to see you post again. :slightly_smiling_face:

A former co-worker of mine had the same experience. He usually had two very large coffees in the morning, and another one before lunch, so perhaps 8 to 10 normal ā€˜cupsā€™ overall. In his early 50s, obese, nearly officially diabetic according to his doctor.

He was prejudiced against beef and pork, somewhat, for whatever reasons. He went to eating mostly fish and chicken, all seafood and poultry really, and he did eat eggs, lots of eggs. Very successful for him - he lost 20kg / 40+lbs in less than half a year, health markers inproved. He did say that coffee made him feel funny, like there was a tension in him, slightly vibrating all over, not a good sensation.

He too changed to tea, overall consumption went down, but he never felt 100% satisfied - in the end he settled on a mix of tea and coffee, but only 1 or 2 or 3 regular cups. It was a clear-cut thing for him, though, he said - his new diet made him sensitive to caffeine, he was sure.

My mother - always a ā€˜standardā€™ diet eater - said that as she got older, her caffeine sensitivity went up a lot. I believe itā€™s fairly-well established that many of us feel moreso as we age; we tend to clear the caffeine from our bodies more slowly.

(Robin) #26

I experienced the same and switched over to decaf.

(Alex ) #27

Hi Doug! Good to hear you too mate, Iā€™ve been lurking in the shadowsā€¦ reading but not participating :blush:


I stopped drinking tea because of this

And this https://www.greenchildmagazine.com/plastic-in-tea-bags/

I drink mount hagen instant decaf until it runs out and then I will stick to hot water with electrolytes I guess. I would like to narrow things down for a time to see if it makes all the difference.


Interesting. Hmmmm

Luckily I primarily use only herbal teas because I canā€™t have much caffeine. I also steep all my teas from whole leaf and do not buy any prebagged kinds because I learned of the bad things tea bags are made of a while ago. Tea bags are an assault to the true flavor anyway given the loss of quality with the tea in production. imho. Lol I only buy from high quality producers too.

So guess I donā€™t have to be too worried!

Herbal teas also come in so many wonderful enjoyable flavors. I enjoy a yummy hot cinnamon one, and a delicious chocolate mint, as well as a nice peppermint. I also add fresh ginger sometimes to the more basic flavored ones. I donā€™t drink them every day like I used to, but they certainly are an enjoyable break for me from plain water or decaf coffees