Survey for Ketogenic dieters (past or present)


Hello all,
I am relatively new to the forums here. I am a researcher in psychiatry based at a University in Los Angeles that would like to collect data on the cognitive effects of the ketogenic diet.

The following survey (link below) is completely anonymous. The goal of the study is to quantify your experiences and represent them in a concrete manner. The results of the survey may potentially increase research interest in the ketogenic diet so that more rigorous studies can be performed in the future.

Please only take this survey if you have followed a ketogenic diet in the past or currently, and if you are age 18 years or older. Please do not take the survey more than once. Feel free to share with anybody who has ever been on keto. Feel free to post any questions below and I will do my best to answer.
Thank you for participating for the purpose of scientific progress!

Survey link: Keto Cognitive Effects Survey

Ketogenic Forum Anecdotal Evidence Collection
(matt ) #2

Just to make everyone aware this survey was approved for posting by @richard.

(Stacy) #3

Did you post this on the reddit keto page too? I took one there not long ago that looks the same. Just want to be sure I’m not doubling up.


Yes, it was on reddit so you shouldn’t take it again. Thank you for clarifying!


Always willing to help fellow clinicians. :grin:



(Daniel) #7

Not sure if youre aware or it matters but the format of your survey is impossible to fill out on iOS.


Thanks for the feedback -

I’ve heard the sliders can be difficult on phones so I’ll keep that in mind for next time…

(Renee Slaughter) #9

Done and done

(Karen Parrott) #10

Done! If you publish, I hope you’ll come back and provide a link to the paper- :slight_smile: Best wishes.


Thank you to all those who have responded.
I am tracking the number of responses and am close to my goal.
I will be closing the survey to further responses tomorrow morning, so if you or someone you know has been putting it off please complete it by tonight!

I will be glad to share the results, and hope to do so soon enough.


(Liz) #12

Done…would be great to see your results!