Strict KETO/Carnivore + OMAD - Looking for analysis / tips

(Carnivore for the win) #21

Love it. Start printing the t-shirts.

(Robin) #22

Hear me roar! I am carnivore!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #23

My favourite Geezy quotation, “Light the fire, burn the beast, and be happy,” would also make a great T-shirt.

(KM) #24

I like the slight adaptation “toast the beast” because it has that double meaning. Burn him, yes, but celebrate him, too!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #25

North American tribal peoples used to offer prayers to the animal, in thanksgiving that its sacrifice would allow their family to live. It would be a nice custom to re-introduce. And we should also thank the thousands of animals who died so that our crops could be grown.


@kib1: Thank you for the explanation, last time I didn’t get it. Sometimes it happens when English isn’t our first language. I may know things but I still can forget the not obvious meaning…

I agree.

I agree maybe even more, it seems many people forget about that part…

(Geoffrey) #27

A quick little story.
When my son took us first deer at the age of 9 the very first thing we did upon recovering the buck was to pray over him and thank our Lord for this bounty.
I then left my son to go get my vehicle to transport the deer back to camp but before I left I told my son to spend time with his deer and the be thankful for this animals life and what it means to us.
There should be a reverence in all we harvest because in all things, for one life to live, another life must die.