Still not sure why this works


I’m not a newbie… I did Atkins for about a year (20 years ago) and have been doing keto for 10 days now and it’s all coming back to me… like riding a bike. :slight_smile: But the one thing I STILL am not sure about (yes, I’ve done lots of reading and see conflicting info) is WHY does keto work so well for weight loss? Is it:

Because there is a science and process that is enabling us to take the weight off faster and more efficiently due to the ketones and change in metabolism? Or…

Is it because the foods we are eating now keep us fuller longer and we basically just eat less than we used to?

I know when I gather with 20 family members on Thanksgiving and they see me passing on the carby stuff they are going to attack my “stupid way of eating” and I would love to have some educated, short responses for how and why this works so well. Since I will have only been ding it for about 2 weeks I won’t have incredible weight loss to shove in their faces (yet).

Thanks in advance.

(Damon Chance) #2

Its both as far as I can tell. The ability to easily stick to a better way of eating due to less cravings and hunger is an amazing tool. This will definitely help keep you from overeating and cheating. The hormonal advantage this provides in supressing insulin is a distinct advantage that helps get the fat loss going. Being able to easily use fat for energy keeps us able to go longer between meals further suppressing insulin.


I like that. Maybe I’ll print it and keep it in my pocketbook.

(VLC.MD) #4

agree with @d_to_the_c.
Works better than Atkins because it is easier on your metabolism and easier to stick to. Keto also reduces your appetite by getting your insulin very low so you maximize fat burning.

(Liz ) #5

Keeping insulin low to allow the release of fat stores is the key. I was low carb & I ate the exact same number of calories, even fewer, before I started keeping my carbs below 20 per day, & I gained weight.

(Jamie Hayes) #6

Here’s my take as to why keto works.

  1. After a few weeks, your body “fat-adapts” and it gets ready access to your body’s (previously locked away) bodyfat, your body is now getting all its energy and nutrient needs from 2 “restaurants”: 1. stored bodyfat and 2. food and drink we eat.

  2. As your body’s energy and nutrient needs are being fully met, there is not the self-protective metabolic slowdown associated with typical (low fat, high carb) reduced calorie-diets. (Which explains why these require unnecesary willpower are difficult to stick to.)

  3. As the first restaurant (bodyfat) is now supplying an endless drip-feed of energy, your appetite drops and you can comfortably eat less, skip snacks and meals. It’s like a secret magic trick.

However, overcoming the habit of eating all the time is a behaviour issue that requires some re-learning. The re-learning can involve staying busy and avoiding food triggering environments and situations.

Equally, dealing with family members whose beliefs are being challenged is an issue. You could say something like “We all have our personal journeys in life, where we support each other. This is one of mine and I’d really appreciate your support. Before coming here today, I asked my self “Would it actually be easier to make an excuse and not come?” But I decided that I wanted to spend Thanksgiving with you all, regardless of what I eat and what you eat, and even if you made a special dish that I don’t eat. No judgements. I just want to be with you. Is that fair enough?”


Wish I could “Like” this post more than once… beautifully said - all of it! Very, VERY easy-to-understand and summarized explanation as to why this works so well, and I will probably use a modified version of your “family issues” example, too.

Thank you all for the great explanations… I think I really understand it now!

(Dave Corbett) #8

You have to pick your battles in life and I’ve found a decent way to avoid freaking people out with the Keto diet.

First of all some people need constant validation and can’t hear about a way-of-eating that isn’t theirs without feeling attacked. They reflexively launch in attack mode to defend their nutrition choices.

So when it comes to turning down carby foods or explaining to people how I lost 40lbs I just say “l’m cutting out sugar and refined grains and flours.”

That seems to satisfy most people. If they really want information, I’ll tell them about Keto.

(Free Hearsay) #9

Yes it seems nowadays that diets are like religion and politics. Never wise to proclaim your alligence to any belief especially when your not familiar with the the person.I think it’s all down to what works for you and so a sermon according to St Ketosis could be like either preaching to the converted or blaspheming to the sceptic .Not a good choice either way.