Stalling out?

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #2

Are you IF 18:6 every day?

(Jessica) #3

Yes! I have water or black coffee only until noon. Then I have bpc at noon. Dinner at 5:00. From 6pm on, I have nothing other than water until my black coffee at 5am

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #4

I’m still learning myself, but one thing I’ve been doing (based on what I’ve been seeing from veterans of IF/EF) is to mix it up.

I do OMAD, 2MAD, ADF, etc. As I’m pretty well fat adapted, I eat when hungry. Some days that’s 2400 calories, but many days it’s less. My losses are not linear, but over time I keep losing.

Edit: by the way, great job!

(Bunny) #5

May want to check out this thread:

(Jessica) #6

I wish I knew whether or not I’m fat adapted! I’d like to think so, considering I’ve had no carb cheats the entire 6+ months, but I’m still constantly hungry and I’m ready to go cannabilistic by noon. I also never really got that “great energy” everyone always talks about. My biggest cheat has been going over my calories a small handful of times. I’ll definutely try switching it up. I currently do tmad, one being my bpc and the other being my “big meal” of 700-800 calories. I’m also still nursing 2 boys, but they are toddlers and no longer rely solely on me for nourishment. They could be the reason I don’t have that “natural energy” as they tend to draw it all out of me!
I’m going to try a longer fast, as much as it might kill me! Thank you for responding! And best of luck to you!

(Jessica) #7

I just read through. Thank you for the link! I’ve had my thyroid checked though the strangest thing is my fasting bgl is usually higher than 69 mins after my meal. I find that strange but I’m not diabetic nor am I prediabetic…that I know of. As for calories, I’m consuming between 12-1300, which is what my calculator has me set at to lose 1.5 pounds a week. I’m eating a deficit, but not losing the pounds I had hoped to lose. I feel like I had better success when I was eating more. I keep my fats to within 20 grams of my limit and always stay within 10 grams of protein. I’m going to try to do a longer fast and see if that helps. Pray for me to survive it! Thank you!!


You sure? Because…

This says otherwise!

I’m willing to bet you’re under eating huge then! List what you’re setting your macros at and a common days diet. The answer is there. Also most docs that are in the keto worlds aren’t fans of fasting while nursing for obvious reasons, which would lead back to being hypo caloric for your needs which will stall you out every time.

(Jessica) #9

I should clarify that my boys are almost 3 (in January). They don’t nurse for nutrition as much as comfort. I was truly hoping I’d lose the weight once they wean, which god willing will be soon. I didn’t think the fasting mattered now that they are eating most of their nutrition from table foods.
So I should probably increase my calories then. My macros are likely incorrect because I didn’t account for the my toddlers? How should I factor that in when recalculating? I appreciate the feedback

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #10

I’m going to let others who are better informed chime in, but I have a feeling you’re not eating enough.

Edit: Once fat adaptation occurred for me, I stopped being ravenously hungry. I get hungry, but I’m more rational about it.

(Mike W.) #11

BPC is not a meal. There is very little nutrition there. If you’re going to eat, I would EAT. Also, if you’re nursing 12-1300 is likely WAY low. Don’t calculate a deficit. Your deficit should come through a lessened appetite therefore eating less. That can take time.


1200 or 1300 is low for any person but you are producing food for other humans as well. You should be eating at least maintenance NOT defecit. If you are hungry you need to EAT!!! Coffee is NOT a meal. Also the closer you get to goal weight the slower you drop the fat.

(Charlie Kathopoulis) #13

ΣI agree with everyone’s comments. Though you are weening I would still assume you are under eating as you body is craving food. Increase your fat and i’d Limit fasting to 16/8 at most. Remember your body has done an incredible job to give two beautiful kids and your hormones all will be trying to keep you at a set point which suits you naturally. But if we have a concern with weight and fighting against this then you’ll run into a form of dissonance. So please throw the scales out the window (open window first :wink:), eat to satiety, get some movement and core strength back after the birth of your babies and have fun. I’m sure things will slowly turn around. :crossed_fingers:t3:

(Running from stupidity) #14

Exactly what I was going to say, too. “Eat more” seems to be my current mantra. I’m getting my pet speech together like @ava_ad0re is with her PISS talk :slight_smile:


You’re producing milk constantly, most women nursing can add 1000 cals or so without thinking about it. My friend was eating 50-70g carbs, over 3000cals a day and weight was flying off her while she was maintaining ketones in the 2’s most of the time. Nursing is literally natures diet pill. I’d run yourself through a keto calculator and add at LEAST 500 cals to whatever it gives you.

(Candy Lind) #16

I agree with what everyone has said about eating more. Keep under 20g carbs, and eat twice as many calories in fat as you do protein and don’t worry so much about a macro calculator. If you eat more, you’ll get over the Insulin Resistance “wall” I described HERE and release your fat stores.

(Mike W.) #17

@AnnaLeeMI I’m sure you have some insight.

(AnnaLeeThal) #18

All I can say is pregnancy and nursing just totally screws with you…no matter how old your babies are. I feel like nothing will be predictable until you are no longer lactating.

Eat fatty delicious Keto meals until satiated, repeat when hungry again. Do not snack. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of salt. Eat you meals, don’t drink them.

(Dena Gann) #19

And just to make this clear, it does not matter if your kids are nursing just for comfort. Your body is still producing as if they are eating for nutrition. If you aren’t eating enough, your body will scream that you are in starvation mode hence why you don’t have energy and can’t lose weight.

(Jessica) #20

Thank you all! I had thought that since I’ve had regular periods for almost 2 years now, that my prolactin levels weren’t high enough to prevent weight loss. And I thought that was all that mattered with regards to nursing and weight loss. I never lost weight at all while breastfeeding, and since my oldest son is only 12 months and 2 days older than the twins, I was breastfeeding 3 boys for more than a year. I never was fortunate enough to lose weight like most nursing moms. In fact, I gained more than 50 pounds since the birth of my twins. Oh well! I’m thrilled with my results thus far. I’ve gone from a size 18 waist to a comfortable 10 and I’m 41 years young. I prefer keto foods to carb laden foods at this point. I have no plans to change my eating habits. I will eat more fats and calories and hope for the best. But if nothing changes, I’ll just pray it does once the boys are weaned.

I appreciate all of your feedback!

(Running from stupidity) #21

Gee, I wonder why :slight_smile: