Social pressure (holidays, visits, etc.)

(Empress of the Unexpected) #41

I don’t know. They love to bake, and I think they pay close attention to me because I’m the park manager.

(Jane Srygley) #42

I am an addictions counselor and have to say this is not at all surprising and a good insight on your part. I know how it is being obese my entire life to have people hyperfocused on my eating… and honestly that’s probably the issue that I have at the heart of my original post! I’ve had so many people “up in my business” as Traci said. “Do you really need to eat that?” I can hear my mother say that now… (love and miss her, but you know what I mean). I’ve drawn attention to myself SO MANY TIMES saying “no, I don’t eat sugar,” “sorry, I’m a vegetarian,” “no, I’m on a diet,” and I just HATE THAT SO MUCH!!! I just want to eat like everyone else so they’ll all leave me tf alone.

Yeah just cuz I’m a counselor doesn’t mean I’m not screwed up LOL

But to your point, I think that she definitely likes to see the attention off her and onto you. That’s got to be a relief for her and a way to keep herself in denial. Her condition is so dangerous!

(Marianne) #43

I would say this is a subconscious strategy to take the focus off of her. I wish her the same deliverance that we have found with keto.

(Marianne) #44

Quite the contrary - you’re not screwed up when you own your s*&^. I’d go to you. :blush:

(mole person) #45

Thank you. I’ll try to keep empathy forward rather than anger when I talk to her about it. She’s a good sister and hates it when I’m angry or upset with her so I just have to handle it right and she will probably stop doing it. But, bleugh, I’m not looking forward to the denial and tears.

(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #46

Hmmm, I’m married to an addiction counselor and have worked in mental health myself for many years. In the business we all know, there’s always a reason why we go into mental health work, it certainly isn’t for the money!

(Jane Srygley) #47

You said it LOL