Simple diagram that demonstrates weight loss


Although with long term keto and weight management, insulin sensitivity is reduced, so maybe there can be a couple different “signposts” on the hill that the person rolls past.

(Richard Morris) #42

They had adequate protein, they were just under a caloric deficit to ensure that everyone was using body fat for energy. This way when there was additional demand for energy in the intervention group they could measure the change in BMR as a like for like comparison. If they had a more modest deficit then some participants (with very low MBRs) might have required no caloric contribution from body fat - and the model would have had several additional variables to control for.

I think you have us wrong there - every just about podcast we say get your energy from fat on your plate, or fat from that Krispy Kreme you ate a decade ago.

You have to realize that someone with a low fasted insulin can eat less fat and their metabolic rate won’t change because they are able to supply a lot of calories from body fat.

Someone who has fasting insulin above 13 mIU/L can shift very little energy from body fat no matter what they eat. If they just randomly eat less, their metabolic rate plummets (hunger and lethargy go up). Someone like that who short changes their caloric intake hoping to shift body fat could end up losing weight by burning amino acids for energy.

This is why satiation is a very important metric … and why I make it a point to underline “eat fat to satiety” on every show … or almost every one. That satiety signal will factor in how much fat you can mobilize given your insulin levels, how much exercise you are doing, how much protein you are eating, etc. You don’t have to worry about your insulin level, your satiation signalling will do that.

If your insulin is too high to shift body fat you won’t lose weight, Today. But the longer you are low carb the lower your insulin exposure, the more insulin sensitive you become and the less your pancreas has to make. And there are other strategies to get insulin lower.

In other words keep calm and keto on.

And besides once you have normal glucose and lipid markers of cardio vascular health, which a ketogenic diet will give you whether you are losing weight or not … then you are doing a lot better than you would on a SAD diet.

(Mel Soule) #43

Fabulous illustration. I wake each day with this image in mind. Thank you for posting.

(rosa) #44

what do you mean, eat Keto?