Signs of autophagy?

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #41

Yes I try to stay <20g carbs per day. Most days significantly less. Some days slightly over. I tracked macros long enough to have an idea. I don’t track now. If I’m off it does not matter, I produce ketones (>0.5 mmol/dl) and am very fat adapted.

Also I don’t eat much that contributes carbs to my diet except when I eat refried beans. If I know at dinner I’m having avocado I eat carnivore + a little cheese for lunch.

Today I had 8oz Ground Beef, 2 fried eggs, a few pork rinds for lunch. I do eat large green olives, a few.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) split this topic #42

A post was split to a new topic: How to access the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s Food Composition Data Base

This was PJ’s excellent tutorial on how to get nutrition data from the USDA. It seemed so good that it deserved its own topic in the Science forum, in the Resources section. I heartily recommend checking it out.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) split this topic #43

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: How to access the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s Food Composition Data Base

(mole person) #45

That’s weird. I’m in Canada too and I can get my doctor to surgically remove moles and stitch up the wound for only $20. $75 for a skin tag is insane.

(Susan) #46

Mine refused to do it period, and said he had to send me to a specialist for it, and it would $75 per one. I got rid of the two bad ones myself, and the others are small, so hoping they go away. I tried putting apple cider vinegar on them and duct tape, and that didn’t work. There is a kit at Walmart to do it yourself I will buy and try if they don’t go away with fasting/autophagy. There are a lot of people on here and on sites I have seen online that said theirs went away, so I am hopeful.

The ones remaining now are not bothering me, so not sure I want to spend any money t get them off, as we are on a tight budget. Especially with my hubby having brain surgery coming up again, and will have to lose about a month of work, with no pay (his work doesn’t have sick pay) so trying to stick to what is needed more than what is wanted at the moment. My doctor tends to want to send us to specialists for like everything… my husband has Bipolar, Diverticulitis,Hydrocephalus and Parkinson’s. We were referred to the neurologist for the Parkinson’s back in August when his neurologist for the Hydro said he had the Park.

So he brought in the specialist for that, and we met him, and he said he would see my hubby (told the Hydro doctor to put in a referral for an appointment and he did) and I just got the letter in the mail that the first appointment my hubby has to see the Parkinson specialist is in May 2020… but our Hydrocephalus doctor told him he will have the shunt surgery (had third ventriloscopy surgery in December) having another MRI on Tuesday night, and then when they call us for the Shunt one, and if he wants any of the Parkinson medications before the appointment in May, he will be happy to prescribe them. So far my husband hasn’t wanted to take them, as he is trying to work full time for as long as he can, he is 55.