The devil is in the details.
They are going to give in on the older drugs. And mandate that Ozempic at $1,500/month be paid for by these same systems.
The net money paid out is what matters.
They should cap a BUDGET with them. And they get ALL the drugs they need at that ONE price. Or they can’t sell their drugs in the USA.
(Notice that we have the highest costs out there. Try to buy Ivermectin. This drug costs pennies per pill in most countries. Here… It’s well over $1…)
Also, when you research it and DISCOVER that OUR tax payer $$$ funded MANY of their drugs. And then we get the worst pricing. We should have a credit for the investment. And we get that money back as a 30% price discount. Until we get 10x our investment (Like ANY good VC would want as a minimum, to cover the bad investments).
But so many palms are greased along the way…