Reply not going to desired person

(Lonnie Hedley) #1

Often times I hit reply under the person I want to reply to, not the reply at the bottom of the post that would be a general reply to the entire thread, and it doesn’t do a reply to the specific person I’m trying to reply to. Instead it just shows a standard reply to the entire thread. Is this an iOS issue? Is the person I’m replying to blocking me so I can’t reply to them?

Thanks for any input.

(Allie) #2

Easiest to just tag the person you’re replying to @hedleylo

(Lonnie Hedley) #3

Yeah, but that’s an extra step I was trying to avoid having to do. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No biggie, I was just wondering if anybody else noticed the issue.

(Liz ) #4

It is replying to that person, it just doesn’t show that way if it’s right under the post you are replying to. This program skips showing the icon of the person you reply to if it’s immediately following. I find it annoying but whatever. You will see this reply in your notifications count, I believe.

(Liz ) #5

If there is a reply in between it shows the icon. Here’s my example.

(Lonnie Hedley) #6

Really? That is annoying, but thanks for the explanation.

(Liz ) #7

I know, right?? Makes no sense, but yeah.

(Robert Hollinger) #8

it would be kind of nice if the thread progression was displayed but that also gets messy so you can make a case for either.

(Liz ) #9

Just the icon consistently used would be enough imo. It’s only omitted in the one situation.

EDIT: by icon I mean user avatar

(Lonnie Hedley) #10

Right. If you click on the avatar in the reply, it takes you to the specific message being replied to so it’s easy to see progression in that way.

(Liz ) #11

Ah I see what you are saying, yes.

(Trish) #12

I’ve had this happen also, several times. I’ve replied specifically to a person and my post doesn’t refect that person’s avatar in the corner of my post. I’m on an iPad. Will watch if it happens from my android phone.

(Rob) #13

@Shallimar Its been explained - if your reply is the very next post it won’t show the avatar in any platform. Stupid but true. I assume my avatar won’t appear if this is true…

See? :grin:

(Rob) #14

But this reply should have an avatar…

(Trish) #15

Ha ha, I guess I missed that part, but right you are. Thanks Cap. :blush: