Really? Jillian Michaels slams keto

(Diane) #2

So, she’s not just a bully. She’s truly EVIL! (IMO)

(LeeAnn Brooks) #3

I stopped listening to her when she insisted there was no such thing as weight loss plateaus. She insisted it was simple math, CICO and if someone wasn’t losing weight it was because they weren’t burning off more calories than they consumed.

That was long before I heard about Keto, but I was on LF diet and tracked every morsel that went in my mouth and have a fitnes tracker.

According to the math, I should have been losing 3 pounds a week. Instead I had stalled and even gained over a three week period. Hell, even BL contestants would go a week of grueling exercise and monitored eating and still gain weight.

There’s so much more going on in the body that muddies it all up and makes a mathematical equation useless. Hormones, stress, insulin levels… so many things can effect weight loss.

What pisses me off about Jillian is that she shames people with this belief. It hasn’t to be something they are doing wrong if they don’t lose weight. It’s their fault.

(Alec) #4

Jillian Michaels credibility? Zero.

(Mother of Puppies ) #5

As someone who bought several of her books in the pre-Keto days, screw her.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #6

Her most telling remark, was that people with PCOS, infertility, diabetes, might be able to benefit from the diet. Has she ever heard of prevention?

(Bunny) #7

“…“Don’t do keto,” she says. “How much time do I have? And I’m not allowed to swear? Yes, keto is a diet fad. The reason that keto has been getting so much attention is because it helps significantly to manage your insulin levels. Very high insulin, very bad thing.”

“…While those with conditions associated with high insulin levels like polycystic ovary syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and infertility may consider the diet, Michaels says it doesn’t make sense for most people.

”…“If you’re not eating a bunch of processed carbs and processed sugar[1] and you’re not eating too much food in general, you won’t have insulin levels that are going through the roof,” she says. …”

[1]True! Professor Ludwig demonstrated this with school children in his study but not on adults? Excersise does make the difference? (but sometimes it will make certain people gain fat not lose it?)

Depends on what you mean by processed? (light, heat, chemicals, additives or genetically modifying it?)




INDUSTRIAL AGROCHEMICALS? (Insecticides, Weed Killers, Herbicides, Fungicides)

= OBESOGENS (endocrine disrupting chemicals EDC’s or fat soluable bioaccumulates)


  1. The Standard American Diet and GMO Foods “…Cardiologist, Dr. Joel at Kahn states, “There is a striking difference in the nutritional content of corn produced with GMO compared to corn produced without GMO.” He continues to explain that foods grown with GMO have half as much sulfur[•], potassium, and magnesium which are essential nutrients in controlling blood pressure, arterial health, and producing glutathione, the major cellular antioxidant counteracting the stress of using oxygen for energy production. It’s no wonder Americans are more tired and disease rates are higher than ever. …” [•] (A) Sulfur - Heath and Diet (B) How To Protect Yourself From Glyphosate: Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior scientist at MIT, has done a lot of research on glyphosate and health. She has this to say about sulfur: One of the most important things [to protect yourself from the harmful effects of glyphosate] is to be sure to get enough dietary sulfur. …More
  1. The Debate Over The Health Effects of Food Processing ”…Growing evidence suggests that excess phosphorus in the diet, particularly in the form that is added for processing purposes, may increase risks for cardiovascular and bone disease, particularly in those who have kidney disease. For example, a human trial directly compared foods with elevated levels of phosphorus additives vs. those that do not have additives and measured surrogate outcomes for bone and mineral metabolism, and observed changes that would predict long-term bone loss…” TOO MUCH SUGAR IN DIET???
  1. Unreleased FDA Testing Reveals Glyphosate in Common Household Foods May 1st, 2018
  1. GMO or OMG? Bullet-proof yourself against Genetically Modified Organisms now!
  1. Dr. Berg Talks to a GMO Corn & Soy Farmer Who Is Switching to Organic
  1. Are Your Cotton Tampons, Pads & Panty Liners GMO?

(Karl) #8

Alright, folks - let’s pack up.




I don’t even know who Jillian Michaels is…

(Karl) #11

I remember seeing Ms. Michaels on Larry King Live (at least, I think it was Larry King Live). She was a guest along with Gary Taubes. It was hilarious, as Ms. Michaels felt the need to explain “The First Law of Thermodynamics” to Gary Taubes.

What makes it hilarious is that Gary Taubes has an applied physics degree from Harvard.


I guess I should quit my “Fad” diet, the one that is helping me lose weight and feel amazing… Jillian says I should… I wonder how much time she spent studying nutrition and hormonal balance? Then there are the wonderful results she has had with the “Biggest Loser” folks…

I don’t dislike Jillian Michaels, I even went to see her in person once… but I don’t like that people come out against a lifestyle that is really working for people and that is making people healthier…

(karen) #13

My personal theory is that those of us who developed in the womb with 0% industrial oils to build our cell membranes with, and no exposure to industrial oils and no exposure to concentrated sugar sources as children may be able to tolerate the fluctuation of insulin that comes with consuming a full spectrum natural diet containing fruits, legumes and wild grains, without developing insulin resistance and the thousand other problems that go with it. Which is to say, practically no one. IMHO, the optimal body Jillian Michaels is apparently talking about doesn’t belong to any western person unless it was intentionally created by a lifetime of food discipline starting before birth. ETA: food discipline that just happened to ignore conventional wisdom and focus on consuming saturated natural fats, which basically NO ONE who was “being good” was doing 15-50 years ago.

(Karen Parrott) #14

This is just a cycle to get her some press time and clicks. I’m Keto because I fast 18:6 most days. If I lined up folks, many of Jillian’s squad would, indeed, register a ketone level.

KCKO. Smile, tell folks, well I’m keto every day. Show before and after photo. KCKO


who cares

(Steve) #16

Once a bitch…

(linda) #17

Jullian Michaels entire TV career was based on a Fad Diet and cause severe harm to the contestants - enough to have a spin off show for people who regained all of their weight and were physically and emotionally a wreck!

(cheryl) #18

So here’s the thing… If she worked for a company… if you were looking at the biggest loser as a company — and I’m not sure what the statistic was… something like 9 out of 10 of her contestants gained the weight back… I’m sure she wouldn’t have a job. What percentage of her clients are successful? Would love to know the answer to that.

So, she’s blaming the people for their fattness… cause she obviously was not the cause of why they gained it back of course…

just amazing.

(Adam Kirby) #19

My unsustainable fad diet is letting me maintain a lean body composition effortlessly. Sorry I guess?

(Jeff Gilbertson) #20

Her (and his) program didn’t work so well after all:

(Jeff Gilbertson) #21

He should’ve watched the Widomaker video on YouTube and changed to Keto after getting a CAC. I’m sure his score would’ve been high.