Proof about weight loss on vegan diet and exercise



I don’t get it.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #3

For the humor-challenged:


some of the biggest, heaviest critters on the planet eat veg only…they ain’t no lean mean lc machine are they, they are ‘considered fat’ by the eye in human terms… LOL

anyway…they are designed to eat just that. They eat that crap veg on the planet so we can eat them and thrive and evolve and flourish. Without animal protein life would not happen on this planet as intended.

I love the natural cycle of life but so many will never go there anymore and boy is that the wrong approach and we see the detriment to it every single day now.


I have humor sense but well, we aren’t cows and whatnots… Thankfully, I would hate grazing all day :smiley: And vegans don’t eat grass and possibly not even salads but lots of much more stuff.
So it’s just bad logic to me. All we see is that eating grass and leaves doesn’t equal being lean for certain herbivores.
It’s just as bad logic as saying greens make us muscular as some herbivores are quite strong. There we have a closer relative too, gorillas… But we are humans and we eat totally differently and there are reasons for it. Even with proper exercise, we never will reach that strength.

But many dieters’ obsession with salads baffles me. Yeah, it’s surely nice for some people but they act like it would be a complete meal (a very substantial one full with protein and with enough fats may be for some people but a typical one?)… Oh well. But it’s salad obsession, nothing to do with the vegan diet, I think. Maybe some correlation but I saw much more than salads even on raw vegan blogs.

The vegan diet alone doesn’t cause fat loss as keto doesn’t cause it either. Is it surprising? Calories do matter, at least for us normal mortals.


The joke doesn’t make sense because animals who mainly eat green veg aren’t overweight. Their fat stores are as intramuscular fat.

(bulkbiker) #7

Well I thought it was funny…

(Edith) #8

Well, think about it… Salad really only tastes good if it has fatty dressing poured on it. :grinning:

(Tracy) #9

I’m usually hungry before, during, and after I eat greens unless it’s full of bacon.


This is hilarious. I am so happy to be on a forum where so many people expect logical consistency in a cartoon


You must be awesome at parties.


right there with ya!! :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I have a sense of humor. The joke isn’t funny. Hence why nobody can explain the meaning behind it.

This is funny.


All those large herbivores are growing by feeding on fatty acids. It’s their gut bacteria that are being fed by the plants. An elephant is just the name for a wrapping that goes around a microbe universe.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #16

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #17

@PaulL It’s hard to please some folks.

Breakfast with Bubba


The fact you need that “explained” is the entire point.






Weight loss =/= reduce weight.

The fact that nobody can explain it…

PS. I remember watching an episode of Seinfeld back in highschool and I was the only one laughing in the class. Nobody understood the jokes. So it says enough about my competence towards understanding humor. :wink: