@EZB I was going to your posts above, but that seems like the wrong reaction. Know that my heart goes out to you and your family.
Being the father of a child with such vulnerabilities must be incredibly stressful - demanding constant vigilance to protect him from a world filled with health threats.
I don’t know how we can better balance the wishes of the masses against the genuine health needs of the few, but awareness is certainly a component. Thanks for making me more aware of your son’s issues.
I was waiting in a dentist office yesterday. No one was wearing a mask, so I took mine off. An elderly woman came in wearing one and sat next to me - the only chair left. I asked her if she’d like me to put my mask on if it would make her feel more comfortable?
She said no, thanks, not necessary. If you were there with your son, I imagine your answer would have been different.
Even as most of us go mask free, it would seem that simple exchanges like this might be part of the solution?