Prepping for a blood test


(KCKO, KCFO) #21

We can learn a lot from older threads around here. I like it when topics get revitalized, like this one has.

(Jeff Gilbertson) #22

This is what I posted on concerning cholesterol.


What is the issue with saturated fat and apoe4?

Is it not that LDL increases?

The question is, though, is that bad?
What do the clinical studies show?

From my studies, I’ve come to the understanding that a high LDL is actually protective, decreasing all-cause mortality (google LDL and all-cause mortality).

So, does high LDL automatically lead to heart disease?

Short answer, no.

What leads to heart disease is glycated LDL.

So, if you have a high blood sugar environment in which LDLs become glycated, then, yes … having more LDL is a bad thing.

But, if you have a low blood sugar environment in which LDLs don’t become glycated, then, having more LDL is protective.

I’ve come to believe that my Apoe3/4 status is a benefit, not a curse, provided I keep insulin levels under control.

For me, that means a mostly-carnivore diet.

No blood sugar swings == healthy LDL == healthy mind and body.


glycated LDL
glycation and heart disease
glycation and alzheimers


Bottom line … I could care less about cholesterol as long as I keep my blood sugar under control.