Poll: do you have diabetes?

(Ben ) #1

What percentage of the forum are DIABETICS?


Might be best as a poll:


What percentage of the forum are DIABETICS?

  • I have Type 1 Diabetes
  • I have Type 2 Diabetics
  • I was Diabetic but have reversed with Keto
  • I am not Diabetic but have a family history
  • I am not Diabetic

0 voters

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #4

Hey, I changed the name. Feel free to change it back… I thought this way non-diabetics would still participate. “Poll-Diabetics” I thought may lead non-diabetes to think this thread isn’t for them.

(Running from stupidity) #5

Good work.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #6

I voted I was but reversed it. But I was pre. Several doctors in the low carb community say there is no pre. You are or you are not diabetic. So I put myself in that category. I reversed my pre-T2 bio markers going lazy keto 3 1/2 years ago. Now strict keto for continued health benefits.

(Marius the butter craving dude) #7

What about insuline resistance ?
Did someone got that tested ?

(Consensus is Politics) #8

I agree with you there. I think using the prefix gives them some kind of wiggle room for the unknown. I mean, pre-diabetic, pre-cancerous. Words mean things. Using the same logic we are all pre-dead then. So why even bother?

Keto Vitae!

“There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.” — Michael Chrichton, MD

(Janelle) #9

My grandmother developed T2 when she was in her 70s. She continued eating that hard roll slathered in margarine and apricot preserves for breakfast ‘til she died in her 80s but I know she suffered neuropathy and other things. I swear this will not happen to me.

(John) #10

Maternal grandmother, one of my sisters, and a first cousin on the maternal side all had/have type 2. My genetic profile shows I am at risk. I do not actually have diabetes or pre-diabetes based on A1C (5.1) and fasting glucose (80), but the potential is there.

(Brennan) #11

Thanks for putting this up. It’ll be interesting to see if the early ratios hold or how much this fluctuates.

I’ve got a father and an aunt who’re t2d. I’ve reversed mine!

(Bob M) #12

I was never diabetic (highest known A1c was 5.6, but I didn’t get this taken until on low carb 6 months). However, almost all grandparents were Type 2. My grandfather loved pasta and kept eating it even though his blood sugars were all over the map.

(Ben ) #13

I am Pre. My mother was T2. My wife Is T2 and has to inject every day. We need to get off this CRAZY TRAIN!!! We can eat our way out of this cycle. More drugs or more food, more Doctors or more friends.

(Consensus is Politics) #14

I strongly suggest listening to the 2ketoDudes podcasts. They aren’t too long, and well worth the listen. I recommend starting at the beginning. Listen to it together. If you just done get something, by all means come back here for better understanding of it.

May you eat well, and have good friends.

(Ben ) #15

Been there and done that. A few are great most are ok and a few are crappy. Dr Phinney seams to be their go to guy. He has several great pods. Two overweight guys with diabetes . Show me the proof.

(Running from stupidity) #16

The first 20 or so should be required listening, yeah.

(Consensus is Politics) #17

Like me they have reversed their diabetes. To the point it’s not even as bad as pre-diabetes. I’m not sure what prof you are asking about. Maybe I’m just tired, I haven’t slept well the past few nights, and wife won’t let me go to sleep early :roll_eyes:. I’ve been remembering that old saying by Ben Franklin I think, “Early to bed, early to rise…”

Take care, and don’t stress.

Keto Vitae!

(KCKO, KCFO) #18

I find it interesting that so far, none are T1D. And over half so far, are not diabetic.

(Running from stupidity) #19

Three quarters, yeah.


I have a very questionable diagnosis of pre-diabetes. I was at the docs because I had an infection so my fbg was slightly elevated & she decided to to an OGGT. I was already a low carber at this point & she didn’t tell me to carb up beforehand :roll_eyes: so I ‘failed’ it by point 1 of a mmol. I have no family history & not a single other bio-marker of insulin resistance so it could all be a boo boo but given I’ve no intention of eating a high carb diet it’s all a bit of a moot point.