POLL And how would you like your eggs?


Careful…that’s illegal in some States.

(David Russell) #22

Scrambled with a little 35% cream mixed in.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #23

I think you put an extra egg in there. *rimshot

(Tom) #24


(Stickin' with mammoth) #25

You mean “Eggsactly,” don’t you? What, are you sleep deprived at that hospital?

(Tom) #26

Sleep deprived, yes. At school nowadays.

(Dustin Cade) #27

it was a hard choice between soft boiled and fried over easy… i made some Carls head bread sticks the other day, i cut them into small pieces and put them with some fried over easy eggs and some sausage… nothing better than running yolk!!!

(Todd Allen) #28

poached served on smoked salmon and topped with Hollandaise sauce

(Stickin' with mammoth) #29

I’ll be right over…


Now that’s one I haven’t heard of…what is “shirred” please?

(eat more) #31

over-medium, scrambled, omelette, egg muffins, egg salad, french toast scramble, (scrambled with french toast ingredients) soft boiled, zucchini “egg foo yung”…ooooh a keto chile rellano would be amazing :bulb:

i pick the answer @acrunchyfrog gave… yaaasssss

(Jennifer) #32

I like stuff with my eggs like an omelet, but like them over easy. So here is what I do…

start with a nice spoonful of bacon grease, add crumbly bacon, bit of onion and green peppers (I keep them in the freezer) and greens of some kind. Once those are done, I spread out evenly in the pan and crack my eggs on top. Add salt, pepper and a bit of tumeric. Flip when ready and done and voila.


I want to change my answer to “YES!!!” :laughing:

(Tom) #34

I had to google it as well. It appears to be a baked egg dish involving cream and a ramekin. Looks good: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/140333/shirred-eggs/ Not to be confused with furred eggs (which is what you might get when you have breakfast at your crazy cat-lady aunt’s place).

(Stickin' with mammoth) #35

I know, right? Slap some cheddar shavings in there, toss some bacon crumbles on top, and you could use it as currency.



(Megan) #37

I picked fried over easy but I can’t eat them anymore because I have developed a food intolerance to them. It makes me very sad. This wasn’t a choice in the poll, though.


After putting a “healthy” couple tablespoons of butter in the pan, I like dropping in an egg and just popping the yolk.

(kris.marshall78) #39

My 6 year old only likes the whites so we split our eggs and both of us get the bits we like.

(Michelle) #40

Wow, nobody voted for quiche?? I’m a little surprised.