Podcast Question

(Robert Cape) #1

I’m listening to the Obesity Code Podcast. What is the music that is the lead in? Trumpet jazz.

(Tom Seest) #2

@carl can answer that for you


I have another question about the Obesity Code podcasts –

I really love how focused they are and how all the voices you hear advance the story of that particular patient. I was wondering whether all snippets are recorded specifically for that episode, or whether some are cut from other talks or interviews.

From the last episode, it sounded like Richard recorded some specific ‘sciency’ nuggets that that were needed at a particular point in the story, whereas in the first episode, I wondered whether Gary Taubes was recorded specifically for the Obesity Code podcast, or whether Carl and Richard found the right “quote” from a previous talk.

Doesn’t really matter. It’s a GREAT podcast. I was just curious about the process.

Good work, dudes!

(James storie) #4

I’m really enjoying the music, I’m gonna have to venture north just to listen to @carl live!

(carl) #5

It’s from an upcoming album from myself and Doug Woolverton. http://dougwoolverton.com

The song is called “A Typical Day”

(Robert Cape) #6

Thanks! Any idea of a release date? iTunes?

(carl) #7

It’s on my list of things to do. Sometime in November, I imagine.

(Mark Rhodes) #8

@Jess I asked my wife the same thing in the car. I even said “and next he will talk about the wealth metaphor” just as he started. Guess I don’t have to relisten to that podcast.

(carl) #9

We recorded the experts answering questions from their realm of experience. Jason, Megan, Richard and I record our bits just for the particular show.


Thanks, Carl!

I really enjoyed hearing in a recent dudes podcast about how you and Richard went about the process of doing the interviews, how the story emerged, filling in the science needed, etc.

You dudes do great work!

(Robert Cape) #11

Hi Carl,

Any updates on the release of your album?




(carl) #12

No. It’s on my list but low in priority, unfortunately.