Pins and Needles Tingling cured with sugar!

(Ken) #21

OK, your “pins & needles” sensation may be a sign of malnutrition, on some level. It could be due to some sort of vitamin or mineral issue.

A full glycogen recomp usually lasts about 36hrs. like from Friday night through Saturday. It helps if you do a starved full body workout right before, to prime the muscles for glycogen uptake. I like circuit training, but any workout will work.

Here’s a guide to figure out food/calories. Take caloric requirements for a 36hr period. Convert to a 65/35% Carb based macro. Add to it the same number of calories, but make it ALL carbs. Consume all this over the period. Avoid fats during this period, to avoid a synergistically increased insulin response. Carb selection is really an individual choice, I like to have complex carbs first, tapering off into simple ones the second day. Eat the things you like. Afterwards, IF until hungry, which is the ghrelin response. When that happens, resume your keto pattern. You’ll gain lot’s of weight in glycogen, but it’ll deplete in a day or two. Weigh yourself a couple of times per day, starting with before the depletion workout and ending a couple of days after resuming keto, you’ll find the results interesting. Be sure to post your experience.


Thanks for all the info! I will try it when I get better, think I may have the flu.


Wow… I write about the tingling below but first, I know I’m late since the post is so old, but keto should not be used to lose weight if you have any chance of having a body dismorphia, like when you have anorexia, because it won’t be any different than eating carbs, you will still harm yourself if you go overboard.

If you have an eating disorder in which you seek control, keto will probably will give you that sense of control and could help you reach better eating habits in the long run, but you should not forget your health (physical and mental) comes first. If you are already at a fit percentage body fat, you have to eat enough calories to cover at least your resting metabolic rate so you don’t die and preferably you should always start keto at a maintenance amount of calories for a few weeks. You should never move into a calorie deficit that is so large and unsustainable, that later it makes you binge. It totally defeats the purpose of keto. It’s not meant to be a short term sprint but a sustainable, comfortable eating habit that gives you a healthy life. Make sure that whatever keto plan you choose, it is something that you could stick to long term since you should give your body at least two weeks to stabilize and get it to use the ketones it produces (starting and stopping is probably why you get high ketone readings, they only mark the start of ketosis and go down as you continue).

To answer the question, I get tingling when my electrolytes are off and when I move in and out of ketosis but they are short lived, it could be related to that. Like, when I first started keto, they were bad and if I cheat or purposely plan a carb-up I will feel like little pricks after eating and as I go back into keto. Also, my joints feel a little weird when I change diets. Make sure you not only control potassium and sodium but also make sure you get enough magnesium and calcium. If you also have bulimia you’re probably losing a lot of potassium and sodium when purging so make sure you keep that in mind and up the intake a lot if you do, especially if you feel lethargic. Carbs help retain water and regulate electrolytes, so you might just be eating too few for your body to stay lubricated enough to function properly. Zero carb and even traditional keto can be too little carbs for some people, you might just have to up your overall carb intake during keto. Make sure you drink water if you feel thirsty or make your own homemade ketorade. Also make sure you count net carbs and not the fiber since you just poop that. For foods, eat lots of spinach, broccoli, mushrooms and almonds.

Please seek counseling of both a psychologist and a nutritionist so that they can help you tailor a form of keto that will help you stay healthy and free from anorexia, while still feeling in control. I really hope that you’re doing ok.

(Adrian ) #24

Why would a Keto-er be B1 deficient? Doesn’t make sense

(Todd Allen) #25

B1 deficiency used to be common and was corrected by fortifying foods such as flour and breakfast cereals with additional B1. Legumes are another major source of B1 that are eliminated or greatly reduced by most going keto.

While some meats and seafood can be good sources of B1 many eating keto aren’t much increasing their intake of them and may not compensate for the reduction of grains and legumes. The free app can be used to track micronutrient intakes and help one spot and correct potential deficiency issues.

(Bunny) #26

Not absorbing it could be one reason! It has to come from an organic source inside something natural in equal parts along with other nutrients.

Why I eat both raw and cooked eggs…(differences in absorption of nutrients when cooked and uncooked and availability of other nutrients destroyed by heat)

One thing in particular is that riboflavin is sensitive to light (kills it). So cooking eggs in a dark covered pan would be better? (that is what research scientists were saying back in 1949; scrabbled or fried sunny side up?) Once light hits it when it is outside the shell it deteriorates it fast.

B Complex vitamins are some of the most difficult substances for the human gut to absorb. (not digesting the meat your eating very well?)

Thiamin is for carbohydrate metabolism and regulates the metabolism of the entire body and will kill cancer cells in higher doses without killing you.

Just like ketones you could have a lot of man made vitamins (fortified) floating around in your blood stream and your urine but that does not mean your actually absorbing it, if it is not small enough in micron particulate size to actually get into any of your cells to do anything?

(Miguel Mancera Meléndez) #27

Same exactly thing has been happening to me specially at night, both hands going numb, and my sleep getting disturbed. I start eating normal again(no keto), and the problem disappears, scary. I am giving keto a break for now.