Oops! Just horrified colleagues

(Liz ) #41

I do too!

(Ellen) #42

Does it make coffee palatable? Love the smell of coffee but can’t stand the taste.

(Liz ) #43

I know you didn’t ask me but I’ll chime in and say I still can’t drink coffee black, even with salt.I still need to emulsify a fat in or add heavy cream.

(Shayne) #44

If you can’t stand it because it’s bitter, then yes, it can help smooth that out.

Like Liz, I still emulsify some fat in mine and I also use coffee to take my inositol supplement, which adds a teeny tiny bit of sweet taste.

But there is nothing out there that says you have to drink coffee.

(Ellen) #45

Thanks @LizinLowell @smsherbert, might try that, want to like coffee, wish it tasted as great as it smells.


I would say if you do not like coffee do not drink it. The caffeine addiction is a problem. There is no way I can go on a water only fast because the coffee headache takes 3 or 4 days to recover. I tried in 2014 pre keto and that was how long it took. I went back a month later so it was a pointless exercise

(Runs on bacon) #47


I have a little baggy of pink Himalayan salt on my desk at work that I take a pinch of occasionally to chase away hunger pains. Nobody ever asked me if they could have any of it though!

(Beth) #48

Rolling on the floor laughing!!!

(Ellen) #49

Yeah I have the caffeine addiction with diet coke, am trying to cut down but hard hard as I know cold turkey would make me the wicked bitch of the West.

(Ellen) #50

Do they know it’s salt? If not maybe one day you too can horrify them.

(Runs on bacon) #51

No, I suppose not. I need to get some of those pretty crystals and keep them in a nice container to pass them off as rock candy - then I can horrify people! #goals


Yes that is worse. Maybe switch to green or black tea and get off the coke

(Ellen) #53

Definitly something to work towards :wink:

(Ellen) #54

Yeah that’s my thinking, might try making & chilling some green tea.