OKL Chart vs all the other Keto calculators

(Judy Martinez) #1

I’ve seen some groups suggest figuring macros by using the Optimal Ketogenic Living chart

I am part of a beginner group and want to be able to provide the most accurate info I can as to avoid confusion.

Do/did you all just use whatever Keto calculator is online and why? They seem to give different numbers

(Allie) #2

They’re all just guides, people need to do their own experimenting to see what works for them. Different people, different bodies, different rules - there is no one size fits all.

(Mark Rhodes) #3

Welcome. I too when starting wanted to not fumble. I did and still do. Even so I made progress and I would hazard a strong educated guess that the mistakes actually helped more than hurt because as I refined and tweaked according to my needs, I kept “switching it up” which solved some issues and created new challenges as I continue to learn about how my body reacts.

Overall I tracked everything and still do. I am an engineer and find that to be synchronous to my nature. Basically it was this: Eat a lot the first three months. Let the body heal. Eat 20 G total of carbs, at least twice as many fat g as protein. If your sedentary try to keep the protein to .7 per LBM. Test BHB and BG. watch for patterns. Use a tape measure and a shirt that fits tight now. in three months it should be far loosser. The keto WOL uses fat and builds LBM. That shirt will prove your NSV.

After 3-4 months things change. You might limit calories or fast in order to break a stall. You might increase or decrease fat. As said elsewhere, because none of us enter exactly at the same place it is impossible to know what you will need to do later.

Again welcome. Hope you stay long enough for your transformation.


An old adage comes to mind: give a man a fish vs teach a man to fish. Rather than use calculators or tables to give generic answers that won’t be optimal for many, it would be more valuable to teach them how to use a blood glucose monitor so they can figure out their own macros.

The ideal diet maximizes nutrient density within the constraints of your desired objective. In this case, you want the most nutritious diet possible while maintaining a state of ketosis. While fats are important, carbs (especially veggies) and proteins are more nutrient dense. So you want to titrate proteins and carbs to the highest level your body can tolerate in ketosis. In other words, you want to consume the lowest amount of fat necessary to maintain ketosis.