Oh how far we've come

(jilliangordona) #1

This morning, as I was sipping some matcha tea, replacing my usually morning joe, I could help but think…

Holy shit, I can’t believe how far I’ve come!

For me, it’s more my eating habits and overall wellbeing that surprise me, as I have YET to see major weight loss results (recently diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, trying to get that under control).

Things I no longer eat that I used to think I could never give up (some of these are keto, just my preference):
Sweet precious coffee
Fried chicken
Creme brûlée

Things that no longer plague me:
Fatigue halfway through a day of teaching
Water weight and inflammation

So for those of you just starting, or even those who have started, who can imagine giving up the goodness of sweets and carbs… IT GETS BETTER and ITS WORTH IT! I used to wonder how humans had the energy to get anything done… but now I get it. I feel like superwoman, and I know many of you do too.

(Carpe salata!) #2

Great thread Jillian

Some things I never thought …
Not buying a candy bar at the servo
Not needing sugar in coffee
Not getting a biscuit with a coffee
In fact, not even needing a coffee
Being full after a small plate of meat and veg for dinner


Have to agree, it is amazing how easy the letting go was of some things that did me no favors.

All my pasta dishes are made with summer squashes, I love my spiralizer!
My bread these days does not contain any wheat nor rice flours, only nut flours. I was addicted to breads, not anymore.
There is life after potatoes, I have had a couple of bites of sweet potatoes that were mixed in a dish at someone’s house in the last year. I am surviving without any potatoes whatsoever now.
Not being hungry/hangry all the freakin’ time. I didn’t die from not eating 3 meals plus snacks every day.

(Bacon, Not Stirred) #4

Things I never thought I could give up:
Milk chocolate
Real sugar
Fried chicken

I’ve found that as time has gone on, it has become easier to just not think about them. Every once in a while, I have a weak moment. I did break once. I had a handful of M&M’s. Then I picked up, and KCKO’d.

It’s amazing. I can RUN. Me. The fat kid. I can run, and jog, and walk, and do a 5k. I can hike again. I can run around after my kids, nieces and nephew and not feel like I’m going to die. My anxiety is nearly gone, my depression is non-existant. My blood pressure is so low that doctors have been discussing taking me off of my meds - that I’ve been on since I was in my mid 20’s.

The first couple, three weeks sucked. I didn’t know about this place. I didn’t know how to not be throwing up, sick, have diarrhea, and have no energy. Those that are here that are just beginning, feel lucky. You have stumbled across a forum of amazing people that will do anything they can to help you.

Congrats to @jilliangordona, @collaroygal and @Peter, as well as everyone else that has made this important step toward a healthier life. Those that are just starting, the best piece of advice I’ve gotten in this forum is this: Keto isn’t a diet. It’s a lifestyle. If weight loss doesn’t happen immediately, KCKO because it’ll happen eventually, and in the meantime, you’ll come into a well of energy you didn’t know you had within you.


Megan and Dr. Fung like to say progress not perfection. That works with all their patients. We will slip from time to time, but staying dedicated to our health and our goals will get us through those slip ups.

Carry on and eat more :bacon:

(John B) #6

For me, I thought beer would be my downfall, I hadn’t had one in months. Now that I’m closer to my target weight (5 lbs to go!) I have one ever now and then if we’re dining out, but that is still rare for me. Oh, and no candy in my drawer at work either. I was practically addicted to fruity snacks like Gummy Bears and Starburst. Haven’t had a piece of candy in 6 months!